I have received a lot of feedback and emails concerning a lot of disgruntled customers who have purchased this grab bag. Everyone thought this was going to be Royanna's "save her face" grab bag. She let a lot of good repeat customers down.

UPDATE: ROYANNA HAS UPLOADED A NEW GETTING ELEMENTAL ZIP FILE. THE JAR, THE BORDER, AND THE UNNECESSARY .PSD FILE HAVE ALL BEEN FIXED.The jars has a wavy extraction line around the entire object. Also noted to be of the Mason jar brand which is still in business, so I am unsure of Trademark rights.

The screw and key holes were left unextracted and full of blurred contents.


The arrows here are pointing out that shadows were left unextracted from the ribbon and there also is a black "flaw" in the ribbon. The "flaw" could have been up there intentionally.

Different angle, but stroked for those of you that requested. The arrows were pointing out the white "shadow" around each of the jewels, which you can tell here covers or "mutes" the red stroke.

Once the stroke was applied to the blinged trim the jaggy edges were very noticeable. The jaggies extend into the actual element so they are unable to be trimmed by the buyer. I would also like to point out that the round and drop jewels are also included separately in this package.

The line pointed out here is the only flaw in this pack. This is just not extracted where the envelope has a slight tear and fold.

This is not an element pack for commercial use. This is one piece of crumpled paper recolored several times.

This is just an oh so slight variation in the pattern, not a big deal.

The arrow here points out how some noise to the center of the leaves.

There is just so much in this bag and I can only do so much in one day. I have also released the first kit on the sister site today, so make sure you stop and take a look over there too.
This mega commercial use tool kit is a huge disappointment to to many of my readers. I have gotten many emails on it while I was working on the kit for the sister site so I worked as fast as I could to make some previews for you to see the quality of this commercial use grab bag Royanna has for sale for you. There are many unextracted shadows. The "scrollblock" element was not extracted and was saved as a .PSD file and alone takes up 35 megs of hard drive space, yet is only one layer in photoshop. That is a LOT of wasted space and download time. Several of the elements are also blurry. Three of the element packs: getting gardened, getting handled, and getting scrapped are "packs" of recolored elements. There are better investments out there, as this one is going to take some time to clean up before it is user friendly.
Well, what can I say? I would have thought that after last month's mess over her grab bag she would have put out something amazing. Obviously, this isn't true. So sad, a definite pass on this one. I'm not about being burned more than once! She should be embarrassed putting out this kind of crap.
I too, was severly disappointed with this bag. After last months fiasco, and the bagging she got, I assumed she would have learnt her lesson.
Her willingness to make good last month, made me believe she deserved another chance - never again.
Downloading this was nothing more than a waste of my precious download limit, and time - 90% of it went straight in the recycle bin
Wow. I almost bought that. Thank you!
Me too! Thank GOD for this blog!! I'm so glad that someone is not just revealing but giving us close ups! I just can't believe she's being this stupid - or is she just that talentless? I'm so glad that I waited to see if it would hit the blogs. I've saved myself money, time, and effort. Thanks so much for the reveal and critique! Keep up the great work! I, for one, appreciate it.
I am sorry you all are feeling disgruntled....and again....I will go out of my way to make it right. I have had TONS of HAPPY CUSTOMERS from this bag that have emailed me with such kind words....so I am sorry that you all are angry.
I guess I am not seeing the problems in this bag for a mere $5....I packed the bag....and some of the things you pointed out are in the item - like the vintage stuff.....so you are pointing out flaws in the product and not in my work.
The psd file was fixed.....so this has been taken care of.
Like I said last month if you have a problem with any of my work I am more than willing to go out of my way to make it right and make each of you happy as can be! Email me and I will make it right...right away!
I will not get nastey, I will not get rude, But honestly roy- No matter how packed a bag is, No matter how many "items" you put in It doesn't matter when it is not done correctly.
I would have been more than happy to buy 3 packs of amazing and actually "Designed" or items that time and caution was taken to in a bag for $5 over this any day.
Also, I have taken your critque and turned around and fixed the errors noted where they were needed and have fixed them. Correct files are available through your download history if you purchased the item.
I don't want to start another war...but I want to thank the Anonymous person that called me talentless....hey I am still learning, willing to change and willing to admit I am wrong....and will always continue to learn more....I don't walk on water and I don't claim perfection. What I claim is that I am a person who LOVES scrapbooking with every part of my soul! And I LOVE to help other leave a legacy....to help them share their stories....I am honest, caring, and willing to go to the ends earth for those around me....I don't claim to be the best designer or scrapper for that matter, but I work really hard at doing the best I can...and I never want to stop learning!
I also have a heart for those just starting out...and like many out there quick to judge - I am willing to give anyone a change at designing! So many of my products are geared for the beginning designer....but I also think about the scrapper, the web designers, the S4H/S4O artists and all the other types of artist that buy my product - so many reasons for the types of items I put together. I also receive tons of email of many thanks for the products I have put out there - so my heart and soul are in each one....and there may be an error in something....but I am willing ALWAYS to make it better.....
So truly I am not slapping anyone with product...nor am I trying to be dishonest, or a joke - a bad designer....bottom line I am a person wanting to scrap and help others do the same. Thats all.....I really just want to follow my purpose of scrapping a legacy.
Royanna Fritschmann
Blog owner, I don't understand what you are trying to point out with your red arrows. I didn't see any blurry items on your close up previews.
About the stray pixels, add a stroke on your previews so we can see them.
And about jagged edges, how come people care SO much? They won't event show when you print your LO. 100% on your computer screen is not reality. Your LO at 100% is around 25% on your screen, so stop saying a product is bad quality if it's a little blurry or jagged at 100%, screen size.
Sorry typo in my last post: even not event.
Too much, too little, too late sorry Royanna - I thought you deserved a second chance after the last bag - but to make the same mistakes again is ridiculous.
If i buy a CU item - I want quality - if its not 100% good quality i wont use it, so its a waste of money and ends up in my recycle bin.
To all CU designers out there - Make it quality, make it right - or dont make it at all !!!!
Yup! Completely agree with the above poster. She said all that was needed to say.
To all CU Designers and Designers in general...
BE PERFECT ALL THE TIME....DON'T MAKE MISTAKES....WALK ON WATER! and make no money doing it......
Last months bag was at higher quality dpi than you are use to....you complain.....I get ripped to shreads that a few items were at 600dpi instead of 300dpi.....and you call me a AWEFUL designer! I feel like a designer can't win in this town....guess it is time to pack my bags and stop designing....cause I am far from perfect!!!! I don't claim to be...I just love the ARTFORM of scrapbooking....it is just a shame that people have to tear it apart....Is that what you want???? I am sorry....but isn't the whole idea of scrapping to scrap photos and memories to leave a legacy for our families and future generations....? It is really sad that our industry has come to this point....really sad!
Ok....so you don't like my product don't buy....don't like what you bought....email me - I honestly will make it right with each of you....I guess as one poster said you can't please everyone!
To The customers that have emailed me with kind words about this bag....thank you! You truly are what keeps me here...otherwise I would have been gone a long time ago....so much negativity.....just not worth it!
I am a huge supporter of yours and recently purchased your entire store.
Couldn't be happier ... This is digital design, not brain surgery and I'm very happy with your products. As a designer if I notice a small glitch here or there I am able to correct it anyway ... you have saved me loads of time with your CU products - thanks and keep up the good work!
I agree with 1:02 poster: I was trying to see what was wrong with 95% of the pics out there, and I didn't see anything, even with the arrows. It's easy to find flaws if that's what you're looking for.
I also purchased this bag and I am very happy with it. Like it was also said, if I see something that I don't like I am more that ready to correct it myself.
So, Royanna, don't let these smack blogs get you down. Really, has the blog owner put anything out for people to sell? Where's her stuff? Let me critique that ... I'll get out my red arrows.
I'm sorry, but who HONESTLY looks at such vintage items and such at what, 500% close up before you put them on a layout?!?!? I couldn't see anything THAT wrong with any of it until it was magnified 200-500%, lol.
No, I'm not a designer, and have to desire to be. Just saying that it seems oh-so-petty. *shrug*
I agree with most of the posters here...blowing things up out of scale to what you won't see on paper is pretty pointless for extractions. On shapes, that's a whole other ballgame since styles could be applied, and stray pixels and jagged edges can have enormous effects on shapes.
However, all that said, I take issue with one thing that Roy said. She said "so you are pointing out flaws in the product and not in my work" - it's the problem with the products. Hmmm, well then maybe you should actually investigate what you are using to be sure that it's not a blurry picture so that the extraction comes out clean instead of fuzzy, or blurry. Just bad judgement to blame the things you started from. A designer has to make the right call in knowing what should and shouldn't be used to extract because honey, this has just proven the point, the bad blurry picture you extracted reflects on you and not the unknown photographer.
I hope yall are so happy - to leave a designer in tears and heartbroken for the 2nd time - get real I bought this and it is such a bargin - and I love it. I dont care if at 500 or 600% there are some jagged edges or a few stray pixels - what the heck do you expect for $5.oo - if you dont like it dont buy it but what are you accomplishing by all the nasty comments - really what are you accomplishing other than tearing people down! Hope yall are totally happy with yourselves!!!!
To the last poster. The photos weren't unknown as I took them....the point I was talking about was that on some of the elements and shapes I left the natural beauty of the element alone - something that was actually flawed on the item itself not the photo - I chose not to change those things....so that is what I was pointing out.
I've never felt the need to post on any of these "reveal" blogs until now. I've been buying Royanna's CU items and personal use kits for over a year now. I've been getting her CU grabbags for a few months. While there are items that I wouldn't use in each one simply because they are not my style, I would never refer to them as trash. Are most of these "flaws" actually noticeable when printed? I'm genuinely curious about this question since my printer is currently out of commission and I can't test for myself.
I always find unique things in Royanna's grabbags and get so much inspiration from them. She has some of the most affordable CU items in the industry. I would much rather buy her jammed packed grabbags for $5.00 and maybe clean up a few things than to buy one action for $8-$12 and have to go and tweak it to make it usable for one item.
Okay I have to throw my opinion into the mix here. First of all, as a designer and a scrapper, I want some of the traits of an scanned or photographed element left for me to work with. If you take out every natural drop shadow, every beveled edge and every nick, rip or scratch (often found on vintage items as Royanna mentioned) then you are left with a flat item that looks strange. So some designers, like myself, are not bothered by her leaving these things in her elements when she scans or photographs them. We want them. We need them.
Second, so she made a mistake and left a PSD file in the mix. She fixed it. Just as she will always fix anything brought to her attention.
This is a great value for the price and I will be purchasing it today. I have just about every CU item Royanna has ever put out there and I love how she leaves a lot for the designer to work with and make it their own. I don't purchase CU products to use them "as is." I purchase them to make them my own in my own designs using my own style. Royanna's style is in tandem with mine, so her CU products work great for me. They may not work for everyone and if they don't, be professional and don't come to one of these blogs and try and bring her or any other designer down. Because she isn't coming down. Your critiques aren't going to keep her customers away because she has a strong customer base and loyalty from many designers, like myself, whom she has mentored with kindness, professionalism and a kind and gentle spirit.
Now don't start up on the "oh she is one of the Divine Digital designers so of course she has to say that." I would say this whether I was a designer at Divine Digital or not.
Blogs like this can be extremely helpful to designers when the posters point out things in a thoughtful, constructive manner. As I've said on the other smack blogs, I'm not going to take seriously any anon comment that is written out of spite and clearly is written to insult and demean a designer. Have a problem with a design? Be professional and courteous in your response and the designers will take you seriously.
Turn your wounds into wisdom. --Oprah Winfrey
Royanna, if you read this turn your wounds into wisdom and create something incredibly beautiful.
Cyndi, Wetfish Designs
I for one have always bought her stuff!
One she has good prices, I am a designer as well,
Currently I am creating a kit using her items from this bag, I HAVE 0 PROBLEMS doing that
As using cu items you must alter them anyhow, why cry like a baby over a stray pixel? Grief who said art is perfect?
I for one could care less about some burry corner on a vintage frame, if I see it I will color according to what I am creating out of it.
People want to get 10 packs of cu items for 5 bucks and have a gold mine, are you serious? What ever happened to e mailing customer service? In the real world you would never find blogs such as this about some crap you purchased in Taget, they would find a way to sue your ass so fast, but because we are in the special digi scrap world, and let unknown individuals such as this one play God and point her little finger at this or that designer we are actually doing ourselves harm, we are the ones who allow this to happen, by coming back and reading this crap ( yes I come to read it for fear I too will be one day on trial here). how cruel this digi world has become, I mean people think about this, no other community ( NOT EVEN PIRATES) are as ugly as this one has become.
To some this is still a learning experience, NEWBIES run TURN back! And ALL OLDER DESIGNERS watch your back because GOD is in town and judgment day has come.I can only imagine who is next.
And I told some of my friends and family that digi scrap is the best thing that happened to me, Outsiders think digi scrap is calm loving memory making bunch, RIGHT !
IF some of my customers got ugly such as this here I would trow you out of my store, but then I would be talked about on here like I am trash, but really if you threw a tantrum in a real store wouldn't the owner or manager trow you out on your ass too? Would you call your local news-crew then? I THINK NOT!...
Royanna Sorry for you, I just know how much your stomach is twisting, stay strong ! AND all of you remember if you cant make something out of nothing then you probably aren't a designer anyhow and have no use for a cu bag in the first place, and second ONE MANS TRASH IS ANOTHER WOMANS GOLDMINE! JUST Take heather for instance she created hair ties out of TRASHBAG TIES.
MADE MILLIONS!( oh you probably don't know who I am talking about lol)
That's because instead of turning your little mind wheels to try to be a creative positive person in the world you waste time and energy on these blogs and make a point to ruin others life's.
if we all knew who these blog owners are I BET half of you would fall out of your chair either one with shock or two with disgust. And in the real world even the worst critic has a face and a name to stand behind all they say. COWARDS. And yes I am anonymous because I don't feel like being bashed on today, tomorrow maybe will be my turn and then you will see my fury.....
Oh for Pete's Sake! Are we gonna hear about her crying again? How she loves everyone and is just trying to help the world? I bought this bag (too bad for me) and let me tell you, I blew them up to 100%, not 200, or 300, or 600%. The errors are clearly visible at 100%, errors that shouldn't be there from a seasoned designer.
What particularly gets me mad is how her attitude changes from sweet to arrogant, as it's our fault for not accepting her subpar work. She seems to feel that we should be thanking her for this "great value." This is NOT professional conduct. I'm not asking anyone to walk on water as I surely don't. However, if you are selling me goods, I do expect them to be what is claimed. I don't expect to have to clean them up (on those I can) or have items that are so blurry I can't use them.
I was just wondering what your criteria was for evaluation. What zoom level do you use? Do you evaluate across multiple programs (PSP, Photoshop Elements, Photoshop CS)? I believe there is a need for evaluation, but we must be fair and use standards that are appropriate for the intended use of the product. Agreed there does seem to be some errors in the current product you reviewed, but I have read some of your other reviews and am not sure whether the all the flaws you point out are really relevant. I think at the very least criteria should be established? Program used, Viewing zoom level (Fit to screen, actual Pixels, etc), Monitor type and specifications, and whether your monitor is calibrated and to what system. Otherwise the designers are just shooting in the dark.
July 8, 2008 9:01 AM
LMAO here we go with being unprofessional again!
If you want professional e mail customer service.
IF YOU WERE TALKED ABOUT ON HERE and your life was being ruined I want to see how professional you will be.
Oh wait I bet you are not a designer?
I have bought some of Royanna's things, and I was really disappointed. What I bought looked nothing like the preview. And it was HORRIBLE. I have dealt with Royanna as a customer and I must say she acted very stuck up like she was the best designer in the world. I'm glad to see her get what she deserves.
Well how hateful and spiteful you all are. Royanna is such a great person and has wonderful talent. Just because you are posting under ANON you think you can trash anyone at anytime. What the hell do you you people need blood? I am so disappointed by how you ladies trashed Royanna. There is a person behind the designs you know. So sad with this whole industry when it comes down to trashing people on blogs. Get some back bone and address it via customer service not some blog where you post ANON. Chin up Royanna!!
Trashed? No, I don't think so. As the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words." "Nuff said.
Thank you to all that has sent me wonderful words of encouragement! I have not had one complaint directly to my person with a complaint....instead I have had tons of support and lots of happy customers.....so I choose the high road and will stay on the side of positivity.
And to those that continue to bash....the professional thing to do if you don't like something is to contact me directly for a resolution....but I have not had one complaint from anyone on the bag or otherwise. I am not stuck up - I am an honest easy going person - and email doesn't relay the true voice of a person! I truly do go out of my way to make sure the customer is happy...more than more designers or store owners do. If you are unhappy, if you think it doesn't look like the preview.....if you think its crap...all you have to do is email me. I will try to make the best resolution that I can. I don't think I am the best designer...cause I know I am not. I am merely one of the many in our income trying to support our families with a little income from my art....and designs....
I love to scrap and help others enjoy the same...and hope you will see that I am doing my best and will take this as yet another learning experience.
I'm a bit confused... if you designers are tired of buying crappy stuff that is being sold as commercial use items - WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO AHEAD AND DESIGN STUFF BY YOURSELF? Or are you unable to actually design? But with the GOOD commercial use stuff you can just take this and that and throw it together and call it your own kit... so you wouldn't have to design or even have skill one to do your own stuff... so you cry babies are crying because she didn't just give you an easy money maker for you - that you call YOUR KIT!... I guess personalizing the products and adding your own creative touches or possibly getting rid of stray pixels is too close to being work for you???? I love Royanna's stuff and have been using it since she was a 3Scrapateers... and I've seen this lady grow and progress and create amazing themes, styles, designs etc. - BUT I really appreciate is that she has helped me numerous times with techniques, ideas, and lessons - so that I too can create my own stuff - only, I don't create it to sell - simply because I'm in the digiscrapping world to scrap my past - so that my grandbabies might know my everyday likes, desires, experiences, and even bad times - so, they can feel less alone in this sometimes MEAN world - and they'll know that if I made it through they can too... I would give anything to know more about my grandparents and even my parents as they are elderly - and this is why I'm part of the digiscrapping world - NOT to tear people down... if you want perfect commercial use items to create YOUR kits - I suggest you learn to design your own stuff to make YOUR kits... or shut-up about others that are willing to take the time, put in the effort and therefore give you creativity in a simple download so that your lazy behind just pushes a button and can call yourself creative or even a designer, let alone an artist... get over it and do your own work!
Find an art print, look closely at it, you'll find flaws. I have several in my home and each and every one has a flaw. Same with the painted figures I collect. These small flaws do not detract from the fact that I enjoy each and every one that I own. I know, I know.....they're professional artists, how dare they sell me something that isn't 100% perfect! How about the hundreds of movies I've paid to see at the theater with editing flaws? Damn them for making me pay for that ticket! With that flaw, the movie was completely ruined, right? I've inspected my paper supplies...I have papers that are slightly misprinted, embellishments that are slightly folded or creased, a little ragged at the edge, slightly misplaced. Guess I'm going to start picketing my LSS and then move on the the corporate offices of the manufacturer....I mean, now my pages are ruined, ugly, HORRID because of this! I've bought numerous college textbooks at $150 a pop and found typos and grammatical errors. It's certainly time to have a bitchfest at the doorstep of the authors, publisher AND my school. Boycott 'em all and call the news crews! Hell, while we're at it, it's going to be fun to watch all of my friends (and myself included) beat the crap out of thier parents for not constructing a physically perfect human being. Boy do mother and father have it coming! I have one hand that is slightly smaller than the other (and same with the feet too!), my nose is a bit too big, my skull is actually a bit lopsided, geez, I have allergies, a tipped uterus, and mid-digital hair for God's sake! Good grief, look at the faulty product that THEY created. They should be publicly stoned! Oh hey, and I have a 20 year old cousin that has an extremely rare genetic condition that has left her morbidly obese, nearly blind, with only 30% of one kidney functioning (on dialysis for 3 hours a session, 3 times a week) and on top of it all is high-functioning autistic, has OCD and has already outlived her life expectancy so she's on borrowed time each day that she wakes up. Somehow I think HER right to complain about anything outweighs anyone else I've ever known. But she doesn't....ever. She knows that the ability to live and breathe and pull joy from the crazy ride called life is something to be appreciated and nitpicking does nothing but waste the precious time she has.
Perfection is an illusion people. You can't find it in nature and you most certainly won't find it in anything manufactured by man who is, after all, just another part of the imperfect world we live in.
And one last thing...the artists I know (outside of this industry) as friends or have had the pleasure to meet (illustrators, painters, sculptors, paper artists, jewelry crafters) don't spend thier time critiquing the work of industry peers and they certainly don't take the time to blog it, screenshot it and attempt to make a public spectacle of it....not because their industry peers are perfect but because they're too busy creating their own art!
oh please - this stuff is substandard garbage - why pick apart the person who actually spent the time checking the product (something the designer should have done before releasing!)
So I saw in the other posts a mention of customer service. Have any of you that have had products emailed Customer Service at Divine Digital? What was their response? Let's face it this is not a perfect world, companies are usually judged best by how they handle problems. Calling some one talentless, etc...serves no purpose. If you are going to do that at least post your name. She is by no means talentless based on numerous criteria for artistic critique. I believe this type of review could serve a purpose, but not the way it is currently done. In many industries there are Product Standards, there should be here as well. So people may be judge fairly. Getting personal is irelevant, keep it professional people. Judge the work not the person! BTW the person who posts this blog should stand behind their work (Critiques) and not be anonymous. What is your background? Again PLEASE STATE your test setup and criteria (Program, Monitor/Graphics card, Zoom levels, etc.) But to you all if you want to start this game the testing is going to cost. Eventually you will be paying a lot more than you do now.
Royanna, ignore those who try to belittle you, don't bother answering to them, they don't know your worth.
Look at the bottom line. You will always have people like me who love your work and even flawed, we find it worth every penny and then some. Professionals realize that even tools have to be altered now and then. No one can design a CU item that is 100% my style and perfect. Plus, if it is that easy to use with no altering, am I really designing, or just borrowing your talent?
this grab bag doesn't have anything I would use personally, but I will say I've bought some of Royanna's overlays at a very good price and most of them are great! I am using them on professional wedding albums and the customers are very happy. The ones I don't like I delete. Easy peasy.
I've seen much worse extractions. As long as she is willing to fix the files in question, there shouldn't be a need to defend herself here.
First thing I have to say is that I have purchased Royanna's products and her products are great.
If you are willing to trash the works of others at least have the balls to put your name next to your comments. Hiding behind ANONYMOUS, if I was Royanna won't take a word of what you say to heart.
Those who live in glass houses should never throw the first stones. I hate to disappoint you all but nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes and we all miss things. Next time you need or feel like you have to trash someone at least do it by telling people who you are.
Wow you ladies are really ruthless! But, funny how you back up a commercial use designer leaving stray pixels and jaggies all over the place but the personal use kits better be top notch with nothing out of place you hear me? Is there gonna be a personal use Roy kit on the sister blog? I want to see if she sells the same quality to the scrappers that she sells to the designers.
Several times in my years as a scrapper and as a designer I have looked to my fellow scrappers and designers and they have looked to me for advice (or critiquing) on things that could be done to improve the quality of my items. We all do it. We all get screen eyes. We all need an extra set of eyes.
This is NOT meant in any way to be a smack blog, it is to be used as building and learning tool for designer's to grow and meet the high design standards OUR customers are demanding. Whether our customers our designers or scrappers they have standards.
If a designer asks me to critique something they send me I will also critique that for them and email it to them privately, or post it publicly if they wish.
Hopefully this will clear up a few of the questions posted of late. This is not to bring any designers down. This is not to put any designers up on a pedestal.
The Critique
OMG, I agree with OASE - have some guts to use your real name and why don't you give us a link to your blog if you are all so perfect. I personally don't think ANONYMOUS people should be given the time of day and will probably regret this but please - why does everyone have to be so hateful? I guess I was wrong in thinking that the digiscrap world was all rainbows and puppy dogs. LOL. This blog is a real eye opener.
Ohhh you are almost funny.
Havent the blogwriter got anything else to do? I have close my eyes and ears *lol* .. Royanna has got free publish for her nice work ...!!!
I, for one, am so happy that I now have a blog I can come to and I can see what I am buying. This blog allows me to decide how much work I will need to do to make a final product and if I really want to purchase it. Prior to this blog, I would buy CU items and get stuck with a bunch of crud that went into the trash. I can now make an informed decision on where to spend my money. Sorry if you CU designers are now going to be held to a higher standard @@, but it is about time!
Could the owner of this blog please post some of her own designs so we can see what perfection is? I would like it at the same blown up level that you have done for the rest of these unfortunate souls. Here's a thought if you buy something you don't like contact the designer and never buy from them again.
2:11 PM
This blog allows me to decide how much work I will need to do to make a final product and if I really want to purchase it.
Why not do all of it yourself and not have to worry about "trashing crud?" Then said crud has no effect on you, and if other people are buying it that's their decision and not your problem.
and never buy from them again.
July 8, 2008 2:22 PM
I won't be.
2:11 PM
This blog allows me to decide how much work I will need to do to make a final product and if I really want to purchase it.
Why not do all of it yourself and not have to worry about "trashing crud?" Then said crud has no effect on you, and if other people are buying it that's their decision and not your problem.
July 8, 2008 2:27 PM
Well now, with the help of this blog, I don't have to worry about purchasing anymore crud- but thanks for your suggestion.
grabbagcritique@gmail.com said...
Several times in my years as a scrapper and as a designer I have looked to my fellow scrappers and designers and they have looked to me for advice (or critiquing) on things that could be done to improve the quality of my items. We all do it. We all get screen eyes. We all need an extra set of eyes.
This is NOT meant in any way to be a smack blog, it is to be used as building and learning tool for designer's to grow and meet the high design standards OUR customers are demanding. Whether our customers our designers or scrappers they have standards.
If a designer asks me to critique something they send me I will also critique that for them and email it to them privately, or post it publicly if they wish.
Hopefully this will clear up a few of the questions posted of late. This is not to bring any designers down. This is not to put any designers up on a pedestal.
The Critique
So are you the god of digi design now that you have started a blog? And the god of red arrows, too? You actually think any one of us who design would trust you and your opinion after you open up blogs that totally trash us and bring down our industry? How can you not call what you started here "smack?" If you are so good at avoiding stray pixels and having perfect items then why don't you put them up here for us all to critique? Not likely as you won't even say who you are and who you design for. So keep your little red arrows to yourself. We don't want nor need them!
You know as soon as I read about your lovely blog here I knew you wasnt out to do anything but cause trouble...Oh my I hope it comes back to you two fold :)Why dont you grow up and get a life and leave decent people alone...Youre a sicko :)
I too have dealt with Royanna and her store, I purchased some items and I guess there was glitches in her store which gave me unaccessible downloads. I emailed the contact us option, I email customer service, and I emailed Royanna personally. She never responded to me at all! She didn't reset my downloads and she didn't give me back my money! It took a month and then one of her partners emailed me to say "OH! We are having technical difficulties with the store!" I ended up getting my downloads a MONTH after I paid for them! The is BS in the digi world when if you were having so many problems then you can simply upload to a file sharing site like 4 shared and send me some links! Royanna's Customer Service is terrible! I am a Designer and I deal with my customer base everyday! I mean how can you not! Don't be so stuck on yourself until you get bashed for putting out something that people just don't care for! Everyone has their opinion and everyone has a right to express it! My Opinion of you is that you think your S**T don't stink! We are all people and we all deserve the same amount of respect. If you treat people like you did me, then you deserved to be bashed!
Oh and by the way...the previous post was made by me...I dont care if you know who said it...if you wasnt such a big chicken you wouldnt be posting as anonymous! I just hope that someday you get whats coming to you...Im sure you will.
Someone posted before I did but here is my post...
You know as soon as I read about your lovely blog here I knew you wasnt out to do anything but cause trouble...Oh my I hope it comes back to you two fold :)Why dont you grow up and get a life and leave decent people alone...Youre a sicko :)
Dear God,
Please let me be as perfect as the owner of this blog.
Can someone out there help me to write to goolge and have a wish to take this blog down...
Why not do all of it yourself and not have to worry about "trashing crud?" Then said crud has no effect on you, and if other people are buying it that's their decision and not your problem.
July 8, 2008 2:27 PM
Well now, with the help of this blog, I don't have to worry about purchasing anymore crud- but thanks for your suggestion.
July 8, 2008 2:38 PM
I kinda suspected the 'design it yourself' option wasn't what you'd go for.
Actually, I find the enormous influx of CU products to be a problem in general. Seems as if these days anyone who can paint bucket a layer, change blend modes and colorize grayscale whatevers can call themselves a designer. Of course, that landscape could change if the CU products ever went the way of, say, stock photography where you can pay thousands of dollars for an image with worldwide digital rights. But, I digress....
So are you the god of digi design now that you have started a blog? And the god of red arrows, too? You actually think any one of us who design would trust you and your opinion after you open up blogs that totally trash us and bring down our industry? How can you not call what you started here "smack?" If you are so good at avoiding stray pixels and having perfect items then why don't you put them up here for us all to critique? Not likely as you won't even say who you are and who you design for. So keep your little red arrows to yourself. We don't want nor need them!
Me thinks the peeps who don't like this blog might be sub-par designers in the first place who are worried about lil red arrows pointing to their jagged edges and stray pixels.
If you are putting out a high-quality product, you have nothing to worry about. I'll buy from you regardless what is posted here. If there are mistakes (and golly gee darn isn't that why pencils have erasers?) and you come here and use your big girl "voice" and say you will do what is necessary to make it right, you'll still get my business. If you come here and bitch and moan, I definitely won't give you my business.
If you don't like it here, go back to the sunshiny place where you will never get true opinions.
I think comments can be constructive, but people tend to take it personally. And then some people get mean.
Blogger/critiquer, I hope you keep up with what you're doing.
This kind of thing could put anyone off designing.
Tell me..what designer of any type of artwork doesn't have any flaws of any type ever?
I've found flaws in just about every CU product I've purchased; including from some of the biggest names in the industry, but as overall I like their stuff I continue to buy it.
If I find a flaw I use my OWN design skills to fix it..don't all designers check their own stuff before they release it anyway??
If I can't fix a couple of errors or remove a couple of stray pixels while I use something to HELP me create, I probably shouldn't be creating myself.
What do some of you expect for $5? a diamond ring?
Get real.
and stop being so darn nasty, it just makes you look bitter.
It's also interesting to note that most of the people that use words like "crap" and "talentless" are keeping themselves nicely anonymous.
And, should I do a search of the name Lisa?
Signed, Anonymous
I'm not slamming anyone am I.
Signed Lisa
Regarding this post....this is absolute wrong! We answer customer service issues 7 days a week - and we have 3 Partners and admin checking pretty much around the clock - and if there is an issue we fix it....and if we can't right away we get the designer involved as we have over 40 designers....and I will give coupons more times than not for free product....just to make a customer feel more comfortable....so I would love to see who this "Designer" is claiming we didn't care for her for a month....email us....I will refund your money if it really happened.
So this is really a low blow.
Royanna Fritschmann
I too have dealt with Royanna and her store, I purchased some items and I guess there was glitches in her store which gave me unaccessible downloads. I emailed the contact us option, I email customer service, and I emailed Royanna personally. She never responded to me at all! She didn't reset my downloads and she didn't give me back my money! It took a month and then one of her partners emailed me to say "OH! We are having technical difficulties with the store!" I ended up getting my downloads a MONTH after I paid for them! The is BS in the digi world when if you were having so many problems then you can simply upload to a file sharing site like 4 shared and send me some links! Royanna's Customer Service is terrible! I am a Designer and I deal with my customer base everyday! I mean how can you not! Don't be so stuck on yourself until you get bashed for putting out something that people just don't care for! Everyone has their opinion and everyone has a right to express it! My Opinion of you is that you think your S**T don't stink! We are all people and we all deserve the same amount of respect. If you treat people like you did me, then you deserved to be bashed!
Royanna it did happen and I have the emails to prove it! I have emailed you and Laura was the one that finally contacted me! And I had to point it out to her which ones I had not received! Because she didnt know! So if you want me to email you I will and I bet once you see my name you will know exactly what im talking about! And no I didnt post my name here because its none of no ones business who I am but you sure did respond quick to it!
Oh BTW it was ur products that I bought!
Go ahead and email....I will refund your money if that is what is needed to show you that we are not a crappy store trying to steal other peoples money! We care - we genuinely do....and if we wronged you....then please let us make it right. Honestly we are not out to get you!
But I guess I just don't understand how my work being bashed can be an open door for you to bash on a consignment store of over 40 designers.
Im not trying to bash your store Royanna or you, I was just letting people know the experience I had with you! I honestly like your work and I have bought several things from you, even after this happened! Now whats the email to show what Im talking about or would you like me to email you thru your store!
email me at royanna at divinedigital dot com.....I will make it right....
Just FYI, Thanks Royanna! I appreciate that you took care of the issue that I had posted about in the previous post! Royanna really stepped it up and handled the situation like a professional business owner! I can honestly say I am happy with the customer service that Royanna displayed on this issue!
his is a tip--not a complaint. I did not buy this bag. For commercial use, it's no good. If it was for personal use, I think it would be well worth it.
For the flaws that were pointed out--here's some easy no-fail tips. Make sure your brush or eraser is flat--do NOT use a round brush. It will leave a scalloped edge like on the jar that was shown. Pick your brush and size then go to the main brush options and squish the brush so it's got a point and is very narrow. Click once to erase at your starting point, then bring your brush down to the next point you want to erase to, hold the shift key and click the brush again. Make sure your brush is at 100% hardness. Using a flat brush in this manner will result in a nice, even straight edge. Make sure you are zoomed to at least 200% or higher to ensure no stray pixels.
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS enlarge your canvas size so there's lots of white space around your item and add a stroke before trimming and saving. Even though lots of people know and use the stroke trick, smaller stray pixels will need a larger stroke size and you will need to zoom in sometimes up to 300% to see all small strays correctly.
Just some tips for you that I've learned make all the difference in the world.
Any item can be beautifully and almost perfectly extracted as long as you are dilligent and spend time on it (and the photo/scan is high resolution). All of the flaws that were shown in the previews could have very easily been noticed before the bag was put out. For commercial use products, perfection really is needed. You are selling to other designers to use to sell to the public so as a CU designer, you really need to pay attention. Nothing less than perfect should be put out. Designers usually buy CU products to save time but if they're spending time cleaning up products, then it was pointless to buy it in the first place. I've bought cu products where I've spent more time cleaning it up than it would have to simply make it myself. I stopped buying CU items for this very reason.
-oops...that last comment was supposed to start with "this" not "his."
I cannot believe what I am reading here. You are talking about a 'Grab Bag' costing a mere $5. If you are disappointed in them don't buy them. Spend your money on items costing way more then you wont be disappointed you will be able to see before you buy.
I for one love the grab bags as a new designer they give me a stepping stone into this apparently not soo friendly world.
I always thought critiquing was giving an honest opinion about something in a respectful way, certainly not getting personal and doing it anonymously. I would hate to think this behaviour is the norm in such a beautiful craft. This site should be a great resource for designers and buyers alike but not the way it is being run now. Be honest, print your names or your comments are not worth anything. Imagine how you would feel to be the one on the other end. Give advice don't slander or ruin a person over very trivial mistakes. 'Remember what goes around - comes around'
6:56, thank you, that was a good lesson. What if you are extracting rounded items, do you still use a flat brush?
I always thought critiquing was giving an honest opinion about something in a respectful way, certainly not getting personal and doing it anonymously.
Hmmm ... well you know, during my college year in art classes, we always had critique. It was HARSH - you had to stand in front of a huge class, and look at the people who had been instructed to just "tell it as it is" with no regards to being "nice" as nice wasn't going to make you good. The world isn't always a pretty place full of sunshine and flowers. Did our skills increase? Yes. Did we learn to accept critique? OH hell yes. Was it always "respectful?" Nope, not from where I was standing. Oh and btw, the professors critique were the worst. I understand now that part of it was to show us that it wasn't going to be an easy road and if we couldn't deal with it, perhaps this shouldn't be something that we needed to pursue. In the real world, sometimes being harsh is actually a nice and/or good thing.
I think this sort of critique (anon & online!) is so much easier on the individual and yet so beneficial IF they want to learn from it. There is no "nice" way to tell someone that they messed up or that their quality isn't up to standards. Sure, feelings may be hurt a little at first, that's human nature; but if the individual really looks at the words and the critique, they can take so much from it.
What I really didn't like reading is the whining of this designer. It showed an incredible lack of professionalism. I'm not even sure what she felt she was accomplishing by "defending" herself in this manner. Quite frankly, it's more like a child's temper tantrum than an adult accepting responsibility for her mistakes. Her statement of "I am honest, caring, and willing to go to the ends earth for those around me" mean absolutely NOTHING to me. I don't know her, I'm not her friend, anyone can say anything. When I make other online purchases, do I care or know the folks at bestbuy.com? It really matter not to me if she's sweet as pie or evil, I'm purchasing a product and that product should be held to a standard and she should know by know to check her work. Aren't we all taught that in first grade?
--6:56, thank you, that was a good lesson. What if you are extracting rounded items, do you still use a flat brush?--
The shape and size of the brush I use always depends on the shape of the object I'm extracting. I used a pointed flat brush for this example because of the jar showing scalloped edges in the preview.
--6:56, thank you, that was a good lesson. What if you are extracting rounded items, do you still use a flat brush?--
The shape and size of the brush I use always depends on the shape of the object I'm extracting. I used a pointed flat brush for this example because of the jar showing scalloped edges in the preview.
It saddens me more than I can describe that anyone would be so cruel when it comes to the creations of others. I am a new designer, and because of things like this, just TERRIFIED to put out my creations that I make from my heart. I know Royanna personally, and she is one of the most wonderful, sincere, and genuinely "GOOD" people that I know. If something is wrong, why not simply ask her to fix it... who with any level of heart or conscience would seek to publicly "flog" someone like this when all they've done is make an honest error or two. Why not do the "human" thing and kindly ask for a correction... I know she'd be happy to do that for you.
HUGS to all of you, and I hope you'll learn to treat others as you yourself, would like to be treated. I do, and I can sleep peacefully at night.
"HUGS to all of you, and I hope you'll learn to treat others as you yourself, would like to be treated. I do, and I can sleep peacefully at night."
Well, except for that "terror" thing...
Thank you anonymous, for your rather snarky remark made boldly from behind the cover of a false name. I dont think it's necessary to point out that your post was rather immature.
Enjoy yourself, I hope someday you will find happier and kinder ways to occupy your time.
Hugs and blessings
First of all, as a designer and a scrapper, I want some of the traits of an scanned or photographed element left for me to work with. If you take out every natural drop shadow, every beveled edge and every nick, rip or scratch (often found on vintage items as Royanna mentioned) then you are left with a flat item that looks strange
ITA...if you make it too perfect, it will look COMPUTER GENERATED - OH NO! I'm a heritage scrapper and I don't want perfection, I want realistic looking items. I couldn't see anything wrong with most of the areas with red arrows.
I can appreciate the Roy supporters standing up for a friend, but really, why can't people see this can really help the digi industry. If designers knew that it was possible a kit could end up here, why is it a bad thing to take an extra 30 minutes and QA check a kit before publishing. Obviously things are being critiqued with a "designer eye" and the things she is looking at may not be the same things a general scrapper is concerned with, some maybe. Give us some credit, we can make up our own minds if the things with red arrows will persuade a purchase. My point is, don't be scared or angry, she has given you clues of things she looks for, make it a mission to be an entry that she says "this is a flawless execution, imo" Then that will open the door for everyone else to really pick at it. For me, a designer reaction and how she handles the critique is more telling to me. Own your work, own your attitude. Don't let it own you.
--Own your work, own your attitude. Don't let it own you.--
Best statement ever. Consumers have every right to complain if they don't feel they've gotten their money's worth or they feel they got items that were really not fit for sale. Designers, however, really need to check their emotions and pretend that they have a business. If you're expecting an exchange of money for your goods and services, it's a BUSINESS not a HOBBY.
When I buy something from a manufacturer and I am really dissatisfied, If there's a way to vent my dissatisfaction (such as a customer review section), I do so. I, however, would not expect that manufacturer to post back a reply whining that I shouldn't be so nasty or expect perfection. WTF? If you expect to sell your products to the public, especially to other designers who want to turn around and make a profit with those items, there's no room for touchy-feely. It's a business and it should be treated as such. There is SUCH a lack of proffessionalism in this so-called industry that it makes me ill. As a consumer, all the bitch rights are MINE because it's MY money. As a manufacturer, it's YOUR responsibilty to put out quality products and if someone is dissatisified, fix it and move on. Replying with, "I'm very sorry that you are dissatisified with my product. Please accept this (coupon, freebie, fixed item, refund). Thank you for your business and I hope you have a wonderful day" is the only response you need to give and it should only be given to the customer in a private manner. Whining and complaining is completely inappropriate.
The above poster (8:33 am) is absolutely correct in every way and it can't be repeated too often. Designers need to be professionals. If you choose to conduct business, you should know how to manage yourself yourself and your emotions.
This blog, and it's sister blog are wonderful concepts for designers, store owners, and scrappers. A much needed resource in my opinion.
i'm a designer and i completely agree with 8:33. i wouldn't feel right selling anything that i knew there was flaws in. if anyone found a flaw in anything i made i hope they felt comfortable contacting me so i can fix it and not have anyone else have the same problem. when you're taking money for something you cant take all criticism personally, if theres a flaw fix it. thats all there is to it.
I am not whinning- I just got defensive - not about the errors in my product - rather just voicing my concern on how NASTY people are becoming over a scrapbooking product that costs $5. I understand this is a business...and that this is a business transaction - and have taken the critique portion to heart and will be giving my product a closer look and in fact I have hired a additional QC eyes to help me put out a better FLAWLESS product that you all desire. What I have issue with is the the NASTY relentless mean spirited attitude - if there was such an issue and there were so many disgruntled people.....then why wouldn't you take a professional respect stand by contacting me directly to voice your complaint, so I could correct and make you a happy customer? To date I have not had one complaint on this bag sent to me directly, and I have only had enormous amounts of positive emails on this product.
Honestly, I do want to put out the best product I can....this is more than a hobby for me....it supports my family and puts food on our table....So I am dedicated to continuing to to learn and to perfecting my craft - and will be putting a closer eye on my products and will make every attempt to put out stellar products with value for all who use them.
Thank you.
I have bought some of Royanna's Cu before - sometimes the quality is a bit rough but for the price I paid I'm not complaining.
Maybe Royanna could just say - I am selling a bunch of items dirt cheap and because of this the quality may not be 100% of what I would charge for individual items if they were perfectly extracted. Some people don't mind cleaning stuff up if they can get it for a bargain.
Check out Scrapgirls - probably perfect but who wants to pay $15-25 per ITEM and have to deal with their horrendous navigation - 2 years ago, Scragirls was pretty much it.
That said I wish designers could take CC w/o feeling personally attacked and getting emotional. It makes us look like a bunch of babies. I am not saying this toward Royanna perse but it's a tendency I've noticed. We say we want honest feedback but if anyone says anything critical toward our work we fall apart and get all emotional. So why are we surprised that our customers don't tell us about these flaws? Because they have no idea if they will be dealing with an emotional meltdown, angry vindictiveness or appreciation if they dare to give it.
With regards to the comment that my work is a bit rough....I have never had a complaint to this regard before....and would love to perfect the quality of my work....so if you can provide me information on what products are lacking please email me at royanna at divinedigital dot com - and for your assistance I will give you a free product.
I have bought some of Royanna's Cu before - sometimes the quality is a bit rough but for the price I paid I'm not complaining.
Royanna, if you have had so many positive comments on your work, why the need to defend yourself?
I have some of your stuff. I got it for extremely cheap because you offer fantastic prices. However, I usually have to pair your overlays with a Mr. Retro overlay for it to be usable for me. Am I going to email you with that comment? No. I think it is my own personal taste that I feel your work needs to be supplemented with something else. Does it make your work bad? Not at all. IN MY HUMBLE OPINION (caps not for yelling but for emphasis) your overlays could use a little more texture.
I agree that some of the comments are mean and uncalled for. Calling you "stupid" and "talentless" is not going to help you improve.
I think you should have left it at, "I'm sorry you feel this way. I will fix the errors. Please email me and I will make it right. I hired another QC person to help make sure there are no mistakes."
If you have so many customers who love you, then rely on them and not on this blog.
And 8:33am? You NAILED it right on the head.
Please don't add texture to your overlays Royanna. I WANT to layer things and get a completely unique result. If CU has too much 'completeness' and 'perfection' it's no use to me, my stuff will look just like everyone else's who bought those overlays (or whatever product). I admit I bought this bag and I chucked about half of it (won't ever use it because it's the wrong style or I just don't like it), but the other half was still worth $5 to me, as stash builder. And in all honesty, if you are using CU properly (ie as a base and not an excuse), it doesn't have to be a finished product waiting to be recoloured. And if it was, I wouldn't buy it.
To July 9, 2008 9:25 AM: AMEN!
To July 10, 2008 6:15 AM: AMEN!
To July 10, 2008 8:33 AM: AMEN!
As far as I'm concerned, mediocracy has become a standard in the digiscrapping world and it has started with selling CU items. I'd rather only make 5 bucks a month selling 1 quality product that I stand for rather than selling 500 bucks throwing crap around to the tens of newcomers that will in turn start selling their stuff using the crap they bought from others. In fact, I'd rather give it away.
It just baffles me that people would adopt the attitude "I chucked half of it away but I think it's still great value". It's no wonder designers throw crap around when people react like that.
And then some people lighten up and the designers wonder why people stop buying their stuff ... tsssk tsssk!
What REALLY makes me wonder though ... can you blame the "designers" who see the market for making a quick buck or do you blame the customers/designer groupies for being so gullible?
Bloody hell people, what is wrong with demanding 100% quality for the money you fork out! Prices are low because of the sheer amount of stuff available (duh ... with all those "designers" selling cheapo crappy CU items). Would-be designers, please stop buying this crap and stop believing you can become successful selling someone else's crap. And would-be designers putting crap out in the market, please stop whining when you're being (rightfully) critiqued.
I think this is a great blog. Please continue critiquing. I hope it will help raise quality standards, professionality and customer expectations.
6.12 said "It just baffles me that people would adopt the attitude "I chucked half of it away but I think it's still great value". It's no wonder designers throw crap around when people react like that."
If it were a kit or a 'proper' product I would agree. But we're talking about a grab bag. It's way under priced to start with (on a per item basis), so you can easily throw half away and get good value on the other half, it still cost you much less than it 'should' have.
Grab bags are always going to be a mish mash, you are kidding yourself if you think everything you find in every grab bag is going to be your cup of tea. Wise designers put loads of different things in a bag, so everyone gets SOMETHING they like and can use. Then everyone gets a fair poke.
Like I say, if it were a 'real' product that I had chosen having seen previews I would expect to like it all. Otherwise I wouldn't have bought it. But sight unseen is another matter, and if I know (from experience) that I can get at least two or three things in a Royanna bag that I WILL like and WILL use, then $5 is still a bargain.
Your mileage may vary.
Would-be designers, please stop buying this crap and stop believing you can become successful selling someone else's crap.
AMEN - if you look at some of the large commercial use shops you can see both quality stuff as well as a wide selection of utter junk by people who can neither scrap well enough to design a decent preview or design even the most basic personal use product. It's frightful the garbage being spewed out at cut rate prices and it puts pressure on legitimate designers to cut their prices to compete which means they have less incentive to put the extra time in to ensure that their product is top notch.
I think store owners are letting people sell this junk because they know all the wanna be designers will buy it thus ensuring even greater profits.
I just leap for joy when I see a really good CU designer because they aren't very common...
Is this really what you wanted to accomplish with this blog? Very nasty comments? There are some constructive critisisms but most fall into the cruelty category. Shame on all of you who left such mean comments when you should have just gone to Royanna to fix the problem in the first place! She has continually said that she will make it right if you email her. Shame on you blog owner who should moderate comments! Shame on you for revealing someone else's grab bag! I'm disgusted and won't be back.
I have to say that I do make some commercial use items. I have learned much in the years of designing and I am sure you would be able to find some flaws with both my new and my old. As we all see things differently. I think some of that this blog is trying to do is good. However, I don't believe that some what is being shown, is relevant. I think the owner of the blog is giving her opinions because she considers herself an expert. I guess being the owner of CS and having a big screen makes you an expert. I think not. I too have the newest CS products and I have a big screen too, the latest in calibration tools, printer etc. This in no way makes me an expert. I think any graphic designer that is good will tell you this is a trade where learning is an everyday issue. And they wouldn't tell you they are an expert. Usually you find the the expert really is a person with a grudge and not a happy person, someone with way to much time on there hands and not enjoying life at all. Now I am not saying this is what is going on with our expert here, but I do think that showing obvious problems is one thing, but to let this get out of hand of bash people, well again grow up and enjoy life. I am not coming to Royannas defense at all, I think that she needs to start thinking about learning more and not trying to stuff product ( any product) into a bag that just to say it is jammed packed. I as a designer and a consumer always want quality verses quantity.
And also hope in the future that any of you buy product from anyone that you go directly to the designer and store if they aren't the owner and say it directly to them. I know as a designer, your not happy I will be more than happy to refund your money and ask that I don't see my designs in your work, not everyone is going to like what you make, but if the quality is bad, then you need to address this with yourself. Store owners needs to decide what is good for the store as a whole. But without a buyer going directly to these people they arent going to know. Because people bitching on here, may or may not be real customers. So if you havent downloaded it I would just read on and not make comments on how something is made just because the EXPERT has an opinion.
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