Grab bags are often hidden surprises of digital scrapbooking goodness. We now have a blog that opens them up and takes a peek, but, what about the REAL bang for your buck? IS the quality you crave for your money there? With this blog I will give you a detailed, up close, unbiased view of the quality of the designer.
Oh, Babette, you are so busted for running this blog.
This blog is obviously run by Babette considering everytime a grab bag of hers comes out, it gets "critiqued". Not to mention I've seen Babette critique people and this sounds just like her. I love the blog and everything, but come on Babette, you're getting pretty obvious.
And by the way, take a font you DIDN'T make, typing each letter out and then giving it out as a "template" isn't designing.
Sorry I meant taking not take in the second paragraph above.
Oh AND, not to mention that this blog only seems to get posts when Babette is online and right after I see her advertise her grab bag in forums? Yeah, all just a coincidence right?
This is a great bag, why the drama? So she gets a great critique without red arrows and is complimented by the critiquer/blog owner---is that a reason to be negative and start up the drama? Personally this bag is right up my alley, especially the overlays, and I am off to spend some paypal dollars on it. So great job LBCreatiions!!! And thanks blog owner/critique lady for giving us a looksee....
I'm 2:06 and I never said that her bag was bad but, if you think about it, she's been revealed 3 times, all like RIGHT after her bag was released. Give me a break.. And she acts just like Babette does, stuck up when she critiques.
This part sold me and I don't even know this woman..
"I have just received this grab bag from Designs by Babette AKA LBCreations. This jammed packed bag can be purchased for only $5.00at Divine Digitals until July 27th"
..all with a link directly to the product. Honey, that's advertising, not critiquing. No other critique mentions the sales dates like that. Would make sense since she is a cu designer in direct competition with all the designers critiqued.
Are you all thinking what I am thinking?
Bag goes up, without ads through groups yet and well the timing of it all is very obvious. I ONCE thought that this was going to be a great thing for people to better see flaws and designers to better themselves, NOW I see that it is just a measly way to try to pull in the customers and take from others. Get over yourself and if its not "babs" posting, then the "gbcritiquer" needs to get their head out her bum!
Not a bad bag, not my taste, some things just look too digi for me, which has been pointed out on other bags, I wonder why not this one? Also seems all of her alpha templates are just a font cut up, can't you get in trouble if you redistrubite it that way?
Just when I think people can't get any stupider.
Good job Babette! You just couldn't resist advertising yourself. Get your head out of your ass. You're no better than anyone.
WOW she really fooled everyone!
why in the heck would you go and critique a designer you have critiued 2 times before, if someone had good product why go back and critique it some more.
This is genus and stupid at the same time, but a great way to eliminate competition.
NOW go in the corner becouse you are BUSTED!
lol.. the funny part is when she comments using a fake name to make compliments for herself... lol.
Stop your poor ADs and show us some new designers.
Nope, sorry, not Babette, I don't even know the woman. The first bag that was critiqued was a request off of the reveal blog, so I purchased it and critiqued it. The second two bags I received from the designer to critique. Also, if you go back you will notice that I started linking products quite a few days ago.
Oh - I am so excited. This is a GREAT bag....I LOVE Babette's stuff and I bought this one blind (Before seeing the reveal)I am one happy customer.
WHAT is obvious here is that this anonymous person is so obsessed and jealous of the designer Babette, that they have to hide their identity and leave nasty comments about her and cause nothing but trouble and drama.
why can’t people like this just get a life and leave others alone.... who gives a rats azz who’s blog this is ... it aides us out there who spend our money and then get burned.....
From what I see the designer of this grab bag (Babette) is extremely talented... heck I'm jealous myself ....hee hee. I envy her NOT hate her.
I will say it’s a nice change to see a designer put out such quality work. I have gotten burned more than once on buy products only to find out that they quality was as bad as a first graders.....
Ty blogger for opening our eyes to both GOOD and BAD products.
and ....ty Babette for bring back my faith in designer who cares what they put their names on....
melissa, everyone is gonna say that you're babette now. lol.
grabbagcritique@gmail.com said...
Nope, sorry, not Babette, I don't even know the woman. The first bag that was critiqued was a request off of the reveal blog, so I purchased it and critiqued it. The second two bags I received from the designer to critique. Also, if you go back you will notice that I started linking products quite a few days ago.
July 21, 2008 9:09 AM
Ya, right! It's so easy to say ''no, I'm not her''. Nice try, but we ALL know by now, you are Babette!! And we all know you post anonymous comments to make you look good. The truth is you are a theft Babette. Keep fooling yourself by pretending you are a designer. Keep selling other people's fonts in PNG. Karma will be back at you soon.
July 21, 2008 12:03 PM
There is nothing to be jealous of.
Of course, these products look great because she DID NOT make them by herself. Fonts are good quality. Stock photos are quality. Selling them in PNG is STEALLING.
Good quality stuff but I wouldn't say this designer is talented. Nothing here was "designed". Most CU stuff isn't designed, just created using other already designed stuff like stock photos and textures rendered with various filters or extracted images. Now, if she handmade painted that rope and all those textures and alpha in photoshop from scratch, THEN I'd say she's talented. As far as that statement goes, there are very few CU designers with actual creative talent.
As this is a critique blog based mostly on quality, it's better than most of the stuff for sale.
I'm sorry but I'm sick of everyone accusing the blog owner of being any designer who gets a decent review.
I think this bag is pretty decent quality but it doesn't look like someone who is skilled enough in design to do the type of in depth critiques that 'The Critique' offers.
Personally I don't care WHO runs it - I just want to see what I'm buying before I spend my $$$ cause a lot of commercial use out there is junk.
I can't believe the hatred coming from these anonymous comments, this is digi scrapping - a hobby, why so cruel?
When you ignore the hate and focus on the constructive comments themselves, this blog is more beneficial than cruel.
besides, digiscrapping is a hobby, but designing and selling kits is a business. Maybe too many are treating it like a hobby...
I can't believe the hatred coming from these anonymous comments, this is digi scrapping - a hobby, why so cruel?
This bag is commercial use - meaning it's a tool to be used in someone's BUSINESS. Even personal use - the designer is taking money in exchange for a product - the consumer deserves to know what they are getting qualitywise.
Here are my comments:
- Duct tape: I like the realistic edges but I would like to see some duct tape that does not have blown out glare/highlights - you can't use direct flash on stuff like tape/leaves/shiny surfaces but I don't see a lot of stuff made w/proper lighting
- Stitches - too square IMO
- Fabric overlays - is the fabric copyrighted? That would be my concern. In general, I want to know from CU designers if they make textures from an original photo/scan - if they are getting stuff off the web, chances are it's redistribution of copyrighted material which puts my design business at risk.
- Cord - that is like the best extraction job I've ever seen - I'd love to know how to do it that 'clean'
All the whining and caterwauling about how 'mean' the concept of this blog is - if I bought an item from a real store and they carried on like that when I tried to return it, I'd never set foot there again!
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