Grab bags are often hidden surprises of digital scrapbooking goodness. We now have a blog that opens them up and takes a peek, but, what about the REAL bang for your buck? IS the quality you crave for your money there? With this blog I will give you a detailed, up close, unbiased view of the quality of the designer.
Ok. I'm off to fix a few things. I would love it if you showed the preview of the entire note card that you say is jaggedy on all sides. It is an old torn and jaggedy note card. It is supposed to be jaggedy. The part you showed is a flaw and I will fix that but the rest of the card is as it was and I will leave it. I'm not sure what is wrong with your ribbon embroidery download. I have had other sales of the bag with no problem. Have you tried downloading more than once? Maybe it was on your side.
I make the journal cards large so that people can use them as frames as well. That also won't be fixed.
I have also printed the journal cards and I can see nothing once printed. I have a photo quality printer so I'm not sure.
I don't make previews for this exact reason. I don't want people to know what is in the bag. I have had previews circulated before and I don't like it. I will send you the previews because I'd rather have them seen the way I present them rather than on an awful green background.
That said I think your review was fair. I don't like that it shows what is inside of my grab bag but what the heck.
I bought Cindy's last bag and it was really great. The stuff in the critique looks pretty minor to me.
I mostly like her bags for the vintage stuff which is hard to find.
I have a question for 'The Critique' - I noticed when you extract something and the polygonal lasso is slanted at an angle (ie not 90 degrees), it creates the 'jagged' stairstep effect you pointed out on some of the products in this bag - but since vintage items aren't perfectly square you can't get around this.
How do you avoid it them? I honestly want to improve my extractions but it seems like I have the exact same problem and Photoshop isn't helping much...
Hi Ladies
It is very sad to see the attitutde taken by all of you here in this blog !
If one analyzes without emotion, one would see that it is lacking personality, at least, in each one of you who are making criticism under the cover while been anonimous .
Ladies, it is much harder than making high quality products is to show up one's face, to identify oneself!!
It seems to me, here, that there is a buch voltures waiting for the next victim. You seem to get kicks by exposing someone!
What would that be? Would it be complex, envy? Would it be that you are not good enough in what you do and you need to point accusing fingers?
Do you forget to look at your own hands when you point out an accusing finger toward someone? you forget that while point two fingers there are three others point back to the accusing one.
Who elected the blog's owner as scrapbooking critic? Was there any poll for it? Where did it take place? If you want a high quality work, why don't you make one yourselves instead of buying?
Or is it that your works do not call any attention and, thus, decided to get a new spotlight for yourselves.
You seem to forget that no one stays anonimous in the web.
Stop and think to what you are contributing!!!!
Afterall, you are all here making mean comments without the designer's authorization.
Why the blog owner does not provider her name and address so her works could be commented? Who will be able to do it?
As she exposes designers' names and links, she should be democratic and provide the right that exposed designers deserve to reply
Ladies, why don't you find something better to do? it is ridiculous to be her putting under the spotlight to someone who is not able to have own light !!
You remind me of the tale of the snake and the lighting bug where the snake wanted to swallow the lighting bug. And when asked why she wanted to do that, she replied:
" Because her light bothers me, I do not have the light that she has.
I have a question for 'The Critique' - I noticed when you extract something and the polygonal lasso is slanted at an angle (ie not 90 degrees), it creates the 'jagged' stairstep effect you pointed out on some of the products in this bag - but since vintage items aren't perfectly square you can't get around this.
Good Question. I'd also like to know this. It seems you have to cut off all the personality if you want it to be perfect.
I would like to know what printer and paper is the best for printing digital scrap book pages? Also are there specific settings that need to be used?
Where does one find the 12"x12" paper?
Thank you.
I have no problem w/this blog.
When you go to buy something you read reviews and feedback from people who bought the item so you can invest your money wisely.
I don't know why people get freaked out when the same thing happens with digital. Personally I think she's very nitpicky but that's not a problem because if it's not something that bothers me I will still buy the product. This bag, for example, is quality CU product whereas some of the bags she has reviewed were obvious newbies who hadn't learned their designing ropes and should have stuck to personal use.
When designers act hysterical (and I'm not talking about Cindy D - just in general), it makes them look unprofessional, emotional and unable to receive CC. If they act like that why would their customer want to give them feedback for fear of having the same defensive reaction?
Cindy, I wish I could show the entire card, but unfortunately I show everything on a 600x600 preview at 300dpi so everyone can see the size comparison. I was accused previously of blowing things up by as much as 600% when in fact it was at 100%. There are just a few places around the entire card where it left the jagged edges from extraction.
I like your reasoning for your journal cards being the size they are. You should advertise the dual purpose of them. I have a laser photo printer, where the background is opaque, it is a minor issue. If the designer knows their program it will not cause an issue. Again, I am trying to critique for some the newbies out there who think CU is recolor and repackage, as we all know full well that CU is a tool.
As far as the notecards are concerned, as the next post refers to the "polygonal lasso" tool leaving the stairstep effect, their are several ways to avoid this, and at this time, I am only giving my paying clients my hints and tricks at avoiding certain things.
As far as my critiques go, right now I am only critiquing bags by request of customers or bags sent in to me by the designers themselves.
Cindy, also, I downloaded the ribbon file twice. It saves as a "file" on my computer and not as a .zip. I am not sure why just the problems with that one file. I will go attempt the download again.
Cindy, I am back to tell you I am not even able to log into the site I purchased your grab bag from, so I will attempt again at a later time.
I'm reuploading the file to that store. I will leave the old download and add another one as well. The new one will have 01 at the end.
Ok. The download is up but I had to ask Ruby to reset the download. She will get back to me when it is done. I had no trouble getting into the store.
I've also sent you the previews.
Oooh, I'm liking this more and more - esp that ribbon embroidery!
"As far as the notecards are concerned, as the next post refers to the "polygonal lasso" tool leaving the stairstep effect, their are several ways to avoid this, and at this time, I am only giving my paying clients my hints and tricks at avoiding certain things."
Well, I know I can use the pen tool but I'm not very good with it. I have never taken the time. I'm sure I can get some good hints from DST where everyone seems to want to help people. I'll try there. Thanks.
Wow, full of gorgeous vintage items! I think it's a fantastic deal and any jagged edges are very small. The first one pointed out I think is just a perforation bit from where the original was torn and not an error at all. I've bought 2 others of Cindy's bags and was quite pleased with the quality of both.
9:21 with a question for Cindy or any other designer who can help me understand this. Many people won't buy a grab bag, especially a CU grab bag, without knowing what's in it. I would think knowing what a fantastic deal a bag was would increase sales. What's the reason or reasons for not wanting it revealed? All I can figure out is maybe a designer views a fantastic grab bag bought sight unseen as a wonderful surprise for regular customers who already know their work, but then they may loose out on sales to people who are hesitant to try a designer who is new to them. Seeing grab bags revealed has increased the likelihood that I will buy them and I've found several designers whose work I love this way.
I reveal the grab bags and then I bundle all 5 products and sell for $14.00. If someone else reveals my product while it is $5.50 than I miss out on those $14.00 sales. Basically it is greed on my part. Sorry. We'll see how sales go this way. Haven't seen any since this critique. Maybe they are waiting for me to fix my mistakes? I'm working on it. :-)
...not to mention the fact that it gives me a heart attack being critiqued in full view. ;)
Now I have to get out of this place and get some work done.
Cindy is, in my humble opinion, one of the best CU designers out there. Her stuff is always unique and varied. She makes good quality items for a great price. Even though I do check this blog for new bags, Cindy is one of the few CU designers that I would get a bag from sight unseen. I don't make a habit of posting anonymous comments, so you can see that I'm not on her CT or anything. It is a shame that her bag was revealed early since she does have a special price for revealed bags, but hopefully that will introduce more people to her stuff and create more sales in the long run.
Ok. The files are fixed at all 4 of my stores.
Thanks, Lisa. You are a wonderful customer!
I don't know why you bother asking for advices from ''the Critique''. She ain't God! You don't even know who she is and you think she is the best?
I agree with 6:01 PM.
Who elected the blog's owner as scrapbooking critic? Was there any poll for it? Where did it take place?
Why the blog owner does not provider her name and address so her works could be commented?
Nitpicky, someone said?
She often points out jaggies that are NOT important at all. Like the vintage stamp. Come on, these are no jaggies, they are little pieces of remaining paper you get when you tear a stamp from a stamp sheet. Mentioning it doesn't bring any good. In fact, it just make the designer look bad even if she is NOT bad at all!
When ''the Critique'' writes ''print jagged as well'', you all believe her? Who knows if she prints everything? You really believe everything an anonymous ''critique'' writes on a blog? Don't you still know by now that 100% on your computer screen is NOT going to be 100% when you print it (12x12 inches). Try it by yourself.
I've bought all of Cindy's stuff and will continue to do so..a few minor jaggies I can deal with myself.
I love the variety she has in her packs and the quality is good enough for me.
This one I'll be buying cos I want that ribbon embroidery..I'll use that for personal use as well.
I completely agree with 11:55. Who died and made this person queen of all digital scrapbooking?
Yes, I will be the first to admit I am very nitpicky. Some of the things I point out are very minor, this does not in any way ruin a designer. No one is going to come look at this blog and say oh, look, Cindy has a jaggy, no way am I buying that. Vintage stuff is a tough market and a horribly tough extraction. Very tedious and time consuming. Cindy's is very good, I never once said it was not. I own several of Cindy's CU products, obviously these things have never stopped me from buying her products, and you all know how nitpicky I am!
About those two stamp jaggies, I spend a long time looking, changing blend modes, stroking and printing before calling a problem. When the color and blend modes are changed, they do not recolor and remain a "shadow" which is why I call them jaggies. Look at some of my other critiques, I will point stuff out and say "but doesn't print with jaggies". I am going to probably go broke buying toner for my printer as it takes 6 different toner cartridges at $60 a piece. Why do I do this then you ask? The customers in the digital market are demanding quality. I am trying to prove to them that the quality is out there. Minor jaggies have never killed a designer, attitude has.
I don't believe for a minute that this "critique" is purchasing grab bags and using printing resources which again is costing her money so that she can give us advice on these bags.
Wake up people, there is something really wrong going on here, she must have some motive. I dont believe for a minute she is doing all this out of the goodness of her heart.
What a joke this blog is and the owner.
Cindy, its a shame this blog owner doesnt know how vintage items are supposed to look. Keep up the great work, your stuff is amazing.
Minor jaggies have never killed a designer, attitude has.
No one died and made GBC scrapbooking critic or God, but she is obviously knowledgeable by the things she points out.
Do you listen to everything a movie critic says? Do you think they know everything?
I, for one, am extremely grateful for the time and money this blog author has put into this blog.
I am just a consumer who is SICK of buying crap. And I'm SICK of some of these designers who have bad attitudes when someone points out that they are producing sub-par stuff. It's not acceptable.
If Cindy is going to quit selling grab bags because it was revealed here, with constructive criticism by the way, that's her prerogative, but if I were a designer, I would use this advice to improve my skills.
It has been said many times: if you don't like this blog, no one is forcing you to read it.
an anonymous (of course) scrap customer
Not my style. I'll pass.
Can I rant a bit? (not related to Cindy's bag or Cindy)
What is up w/all these stores allowing complete NEWBIES to design commercial use. People w/very rudimentary design skills.
A lot of these people don't even know the basics - like don't sell overlays that are 72 dpi/blurry. Or how to find stray pixels.
How do we know these people are not grabbing crap images off the web or stock textures (which most stock sites do NOT allow to be redistributed) and just reselling? If they are that green that they can't even find stray pixels, then it would seem to me like they are probably making other blunders and aren't all that knowlegeable about copyright. I have my doubts that they are creating a lot of these 'textures' through their own scans/photographs.
I blame GREEDY STORE OWNERS who want to flood the market with this 3rd rate crap so they can cash in and make $$$.
This blog is necessary IMO because someone needs to protect designers from the onslaught of 3rd rate commercial use crap that is being poured out of every tom, dick and harry store.
I'm just really PO'd right now - I've been designing for almost 2 years and I'm still hesitant to offer CU but then you see these complete newbie designers cranking it out right and left and the store owners just allow them to do it. Disgusting!
Yes, I will be the first to admit I am very nitpicky. Some of the things I point out are very minor, this does not in any way ruin a designer. No one is going to come look at this blog and say oh, look, Cindy has a jaggy, no way am I buying that. Vintage stuff is a tough market and a horribly tough extraction. Very tedious and time consuming. Cindy's is very good, I never once said it was not. I own several of Cindy's CU products, obviously these things have never stopped me from buying her products, and you all know how nitpicky I am!
I agree - small flaws don't affect my purchase decision and the feedback can help the designer become even better.
But some of the products reviewed on this blog show a gross level of inferiority because the person should not be offering commercial use and has limited skills and I appreciate the heads up so I don't waste my money.
It's very hard to tell from the previews on these products what you are getting.
I don't think I will quit making grab bags. Revealing once won't hurt. If they continue to be revealed before I do it myself then I wonder what the point is. I'll probably just group the products and show a preview and charge $14.00 just as I do with all the bags that I reveal myself.
As for previews, I have started adding close-up previews for my newer products. I'll go back and do my older products as time permits. Since I discard my 3600x3600 previews because the take up too much hd space I will just go back and redo previews.
I still think that this critique was accurate. I do print my products because I like to see what the look like. I'm not sure why I can't see certain flaws and the critic can. If I don't see the flaws once printed then it won't be fixed.
If anyone has ever experienced problems with my products then please contact me. My email is cindyowe@netbistro.com.
I am totally willing to improve myself if there is a need. Thanks for all the posters who had positive and constructive things to say.
Ummm, I like the jagged edges on the tickets. To me, that makes them more authentic. If you don't like them, erase them.
Hey Cindy, you don't need to totally re-do your previews to include close-up details. Just drag a full-resolution image into your low-resolution preview, and you'll be showing a HUGE preview. When I do my detailed images, I pull full-size items into my low-res close-up template, and down-size depending on how much of the piece I want to show. No need to keep those huge full-resolution previews. I ditch them too, to save space.
Signed anon because I'm a big chicken and someone will probably tell me how stupid I am to do it this way. LOL!
I'm just really PO'd right now - I've been designing for almost 2 years and I'm still hesitant to offer CU but then you see these complete newbie designers cranking it out right and left and the store owners just allow them to do it. Disgusting!
This "rant" just makes you sound like you have a huge inferiority complex.
The best way to avoid jaggies on extractions is to not use the poly lassoo. Use the pen tool to vector the outline, or use masks and a slightly soft brush (you need a steady hand and a Wacom helps).
Having said that, since I don't use CU stuff right out of the box anyway these jaggies etc don't impact me at all. When you're building things from the products you clean and correct as you go along, and that is just peachy with me.
I bought this bag, and I am pleased with it. Nice basic things you can add to and play with, nothing that has only a sole use, and nothing that is too obvious. Good job Cindy :)
Cindy always puts together nice bag content. I have almost all her stuff and one bag a judgement one should not make, she puts out some beautiful things and 4:19 said it best when it comes to working with it.
These things are worth the price even if she sold them uncleaned they are one of the best bargains out there and a great variety too.
I second that good job Cindy.
PSP lasso tool set on point to point with setting of 1 feather selected is great also for torn edges.
July 22, 2008 9:26 AM
I so agree with you!
A lot of store owners are to blame.
Anonymous said...
I'm just really PO'd right now - I've been designing for almost 2 years and I'm still hesitant to offer CU but then you see these complete newbie designers cranking it out right and left and the store owners just allow them to do it. Disgusting!
This "rant" just makes you sound like you have a huge inferiority complex.
July 22, 2008 3:41 PM
I bet you are the one with inferiority complex! Why always bitch on someone else? That designer obviously CARES about her customers and fellow designers. If she doesn't feel ready to sell CU, then it's the right thing to do. THIS is the attitude every newbie out there should have.
If she doesn't feel ready to sell CU, then it's the right thing to do. THIS is the attitude every newbie out there should have.
Why pretend to have someone answer for you when it's obviously you defending yourself.
That said, it's actually the attitude every designer should have, not just the newbies.
However, her "rant" blames the newbies for flooding the market with sub-par products when this blog critiques mostly well known established designers.
That is why I think you're a well known designer with an inferiority complex.
Well known doesn't necessarily mean you're any good.
However, her "rant" blames the newbies for flooding the market with sub-par products when this blog critiques mostly well known established designers.
I am the OP and no I didn't write the 'response' to you. To me the subpar bags on this blog are by newbies or at least I assumed they were new based on what I saw...
My point, really, is if you are going to produce commercial use designer tools you should:
-know your craft
-be able to produce quality work
-be knowlegable about copyright and do's and don'ts of source images (ie don't use other peoples images unless you have specific permission from them to create commercial use tools)
Developing this skill and knowlege base takes some time and yes, shame on store owners who allow people w/out these skills do churn out CU because this is something that affects someone else's business.
Like what if I buy a texture or extraction that the designer lifted from a stock site (either because they did't know better or are unethical) - I could get sued by the stock site or some customer could recognize it and assume I'm a pirate. Or if I buy something that's crap quality I either have to spend a lot of valuable time cleaning it up or trash it and waste my money.
I see newer designers who look like they have been doing this for years and seem to have invested a lot of time learning their craft, as well as people who still haven't mastered the basics yet they are setting up shop cranking out CU. Or worse, someone who isn't new and still cranks out crappy Cu. My rant is directed toward the latter 2 groups.
Using a small, narrow brush or eraser, either with a mask or without, works the best for me. I never use the polygon lasso tool for erasing or extracting.
(pardon me. You all can get back to your bitching now.)
Crap--there was supposed to be a snippet from another post above that one. I was responding to techniques to getting a smoother edge with no jaggies.
My point, really, is if you are going to produce commercial use designer tools you should:
Explained that way I have to agree with you.
As long as you use a feather of 1 and antialias the lasso works great.
I've purchased some of Cindy's product and they weren't as great as I thought they'd be. BUT when I emailed her to discuss it, she was AMAZING with her customer service. She not only refunded my purchase (which I told her I didn't want her to do) but she also sent me another CU product.
Just because I know how willing she is to make sure her customers are happy, I will buy from her again :)
Just so everyone knows, I removed the products from my store that were mentioned in the above post. I don't want to sell substandard products but sometimes things slip by.
Cindy I think you more than proved yourself a professional in this industry. I've never purchased from you before but I certainly will in the future based on this critique and your response to it. Bravo.
Honestly, I think there are too many new store owners without enough experience to realize that it's more than just "selling stuff" like they did on the corner when they were 8. And then too many inexperienced designers end up selling for these stores (because they don't have enough skill to get in an established store) and ignorance snowballs.
Cindy, I buy many of your products and I am like Lisa - I'll buy them sight unseen. You have always been one of my favorite designers. One of my all-time favorite products of yours is the layered tags from an older grab bag. What a sweet deal! I've been watching and hoping and wishing for more like them.
My scrapbooking budget has been a little tight lately, but this reveal has convinced me I MUST have this bag. Off to shop...
I agree, so many store owners and designers need to get the dollar signs out of their eyes and take a hard look at the products they're trying to unload. I can extract and object, in fact I'm pretty good at it. I can also recolor a CU product and make some of my own elements. I'll never be a designer, though. Wanna know why? Because I would feel guilty if someone paid their hard earned money for the crap I make. Yeah, I like my stuff, but there's no reason for anyone else to like it. And yet I feel that the stuff I make is better in quality than A LOT of the crap I see the lower quality stores. Does that mean I should start selling, make misleading previews, then laugh my way to the bank while my customers try to clean up my designs? No way! Sadly many designers don't have the same view. They either think that their crap is actually good, or they just don't care as long as they're making money. Sad.
I probably wouldn't have a problem with this blog if I knew who is doing the critique and how much experience this person has, what program she uses and what she is printing on and what size she is printing from and what size she is printing at. So I don't think designers are acting all hysterical because again some anonymous person is leading you to believe that these mistakes area as flat out identifiable as what she is trying to show you.
Does it not bother ANYONE that the Critique's own typing is blurred. If her own typing and arrows are blurry then what is she zooming at to show you these supposed flaws? I mean come on people this is a person who needs some more training to get it right before she goes and does critiques for others.
Some of the items she is calling extractions I bet aren't extractions at all but actual pieces. If I scan in an actual piece of vintage paper by gosh it's going to have some flaws because of what it is. The Critique doesn't know if the item is real, comes out of book etc. She is only making a guess that it's been extracted.
I must be getting sort of blind because I can't really see the white outline around the notepaper. It looks like it's part of the notepaper itself and I can only assume that because again her typing is blurred as are her arrows. Seeing jaggies I don't think so but again .....
Ok I will agree the frame does have a small area that's off color. Are you actually printing on green cardstock?? Who prints out items on dark green cardstock? Again your arrow is as blurred as the edge that is supposedly showing. If the end is opaque it's not going to show under most circumstances on a white cardstock or on a light background or on a patterned paper so I'm questioning whether you really are printing these things out at all. I've never really seen cardstock that doesn't have even the littlest bit of texture and what you are showing to be printed out is flat my dear flat and blurry.
and no I have no interest in Cindy's designs, I'm not a friend, I'm not on her CT but I have been around this business long enough to question this Critique as being somewhat off the mark. Oh so you added the typing and arrows after you printed it out and scanned it back in?? Again what have you zoomed it to because your typing is still blurry which leads me to only one conclusion you aren't as good as you think you are.
The designer has said how she examines things to critique, if you didn't read them, that's your fault.
She's also explained why her arrows are blurry.. blogspot sizes them down making them blurry. Again, maybe you should read into things before you open your mouth.
So when Blogspot sizes the things down it makes the arrows blurry, and the text, but not the rest? How do we know the blurs GBC is talking about are even there and not just artifacts of the Blogspot? Other than taking her word for it, obviously.
The designer has said how she examines things to critique, if you didn't read them, that's your fault.
She's also explained why her arrows are blurry.. blogspot sizes them down making them blurry. Again, maybe you should read into things before you open your mouth.
_____________________________________________________Excuse me??? That is the most stupid thing I think I've read yet. Blogspot sizes them down and makes them blurry but doesn't size anything else down thereby only her type and arrows are blurry and what she is showing isn't sized down and blurry. I seriously doubt it and after hearing that I seriously doubt that this is a fair and impartial critique. If Blogspot is the cause for her type and arrows only to be blurred and not the product she is showing then maybe she needs to find another place to critique where one would not believe now that this entire blog is a ruse!! If you believe everything you see and everything you read on these Blogs that's your problem.
If the Critique wants to do this why doesn't she have a normal web site where everyone could see things as they see them on store sites. She has alluded to the fact that she is picky but there is being picky and there is being just over the top.
Obviously I'm not the only designer who thinks her blogs are a waste of time and that she's just doing this out of the goodness of her heart. There are plenty of designers out there that would be willing to critique without the motive of putting stuff up in an anonymous blog. If she really wants to help designers then let her do it quietly. Obviously she has paying clients and that is a crock also. Again there are plenty of designers if asked would do it a good critique for free and at least you'd know who you are working with. A nameless, faceless designer doing a critique just doesn't do it for me.
If all of you are so against this and everything such as the poster above, then why are you here and why do you keep coming back?
Don't like the blog and think it's a waste? Then stay off it. Leaving a comment saying things like that is completely contradicting yourself when you're obviously visiting the blog often.
You should DEFINITELY critique this please
5:59, have you clicked on one of the critique pictures to see them full-size?
5:59, have you clicked on one of the critique pictures to see them full-size?
I hope she feels like a dumbass now for going on and on about how it's not blogspot
5:59, have you clicked on one of the critique pictures to see them full-size?
I hope she feels like a dumbass now for going on and on about how it's not blogspot
July 26, 2008 12:08 PM
I wasn't the one complaining about the blurry text, but I wasn't clicking on the pictures to make them larger. Her red text is clear as can be, while the element in question still has the errors.
5:58, don't let the blog door hit you in the butt. Hopefully you live in a land where you are free to click "exit." Why don't you submit something to be critiqued? Designers who are producing quality product have nothing to worry about. In fact, just today I was browsing SSD and one of the close up previews had an object that did not look like a good extraction job. If designers would put more close ups in their previews, customers could see what they are getting.
Looks like the "no's" won for the comment vote. Since the no's were split up into 3 the "critique" will probably still keep the comments even though they clearly were outvoted.
Looks like the "no's" won for the comment vote. Since the no's were split up into 3 the "critique" will probably still keep the comments even though they clearly were outvoted.
Actually the Yes's were a resounding win.
If you read the questions properly, three of them were actually "yes" answers.
They probably should've started with "yes, but" instead of "no"
However, only one of the questions was actually a "no"
10:26, that was how I interpreted it, too. I find the new reveal blog so boring that I don't even read it, because there is no feedback, let alone any idea of quality.
Alex, I would like to bet the farm the above rant is posted by none other than Barb Speck herself. Miss Critique, I know you don't want to waste your money, but please shut that witch up with a nice little review of her latest and greatest work of art.
Alex, I would like to bet the farm the above rant is posted by none other than Barb Speck herself. Miss Critique, I know you don't want to waste your money, but please shut that witch up with a nice little review of her latest and greatest work of art.
Alex, I would like to bet the farm the above rant is posted by none other than Barb Speck herself. Miss Critique, I know you don't want to waste your money, but please shut that witch up with a nice little review of her latest and greatest work of art
ITA! I want to see a couple of Barbs products reviewed!
She only critics on quality though. We will all have to make up our own minds about Barb's ability to deliver a product that is usable and *pretty*. I know she doesn't do that for me, so I just want to see a critique for entertainment value. maybe Barb can man up and send something in for review for all to see.
It's been a week since a knew critique.. I'm going crazy waiting for a new one.
I agree! I keep checking every morning!
Does anyone else find it odd that there hasn't been any reveals since Babette tragically lost everything on her external hard drive for a few days?
I find that highly interesting as well.
If Babs is using stock photos, something I've heard from several people, then the EHD drive crash is Karma kicking her in the butt.
I can't stand CU designers who use stock photos (unless they have permission)because they are ripping off other people and putting the businesses of designers who buy the product at risk.
I would like to hear a statement from Babs regarding where she gets her images. Maybe I'm dead wrong in which case I owe her an apology...
Cindy Doerkson has a new bag up - is there a reveal anywhere?
I can't stand CU designers who use stock photos (unless they have permission)because they are ripping off other people and putting the businesses of designers who buy the product at risk.
I recently purchased an extended license to use a few stock photos and they cost me $25 each,although one was $50.
I doubt I'll do it again.
Hello All! How do we submit grab bags to this site for reveal? I can't find where to do that.
Her email is on the critique page on the right hand panel.
Has the Critique/Blog Owner disappeared?
The critique will come back saying she was on vacation when really it was her hard drive on vacation.
No, actually I have not been on vacation and no I have not had hard drive issues. I have actually had paypal issues. Some sweet person, NO NAMES MENTIONED, you know who you are, got my anonymous paypal locked up. So I have been unable to purchase anything. So as soon as I get my paypal unlocked the reveals will begin. First with Mega-Doodle Inspired's PSE Grab Bag which she sent me. I will get that up in the morning.
And, PLEASE do not post personal designers' email addresses. You may speculate all you want about who I am and who runs this blog. Submit all inquiries to: grabbagcritique@gmail.com
Thanks -The Critique
Just wondering why you couldn't do Mega-Doodle's grab bag if you had PayPal issues. Didn't need PayPal if it was sent to you for free. ;-)
You're assuming people are stupid.
I'm so nervous and excited about having my grab bag done here! I know that I make quality work and I have everything tested by my Test Team. But just because I like something doesn't mean everyone else will. It is for that reason that I am nervous! = ) OK...I'll continue to check back!!
Thanks in advance to everyone that checks out my bag! = )
Suggestion: Please review the DST birthday free kit on your sister site.
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