Action has many manual steps where you must change color several times and does not has a realistic end result.

Journaling tags come in various themes to accommodate several different kits and designer tastes.

Bracket templates are very theme specific and the phrases in the brackets such as "My Shine" are not idiomatically correct. Unsure how fonts could turn out

Overlays are good in quality with no jaggies or stray pixels, with the exception of the above that shows how the designer got off center on some of the shapes.

Alphabet template is a basic font saved on a 3600x3600 layer. Not
separate .
PNG files. Designer would have to
separate letters prior to making an alpha with this template.
There's some minor flaws that I think I can handle but the off-centered dots would show up obviously. I wonder if it's saved in layered PSD & is editable?
something else is amiss with those binder clips.... In her preview the lighter part of the gradient is where it should be, the thick part of the clip...
but in your example, the gradient goes the opposite way, the light part is down by where the metal hooks into the clip.
so my question is: did you perform the action wrong or did she alter the clips on the preview?
I don't like anything that this designer creates. She's just another copycat, has no problem copying people in the same stores she's at!
And please, go ask someone who can actually speak English before you make anything with word art, will ya?
Her stuff is all right as far as quality goes but it's all the same cookie-cutter stuff. Everytime I see something new she puts out, I could swear it was the same thing she put out the last time. It all looks the same and on top of it, it's extremely overpriced, commercial use or not. I was tempted to buy some of her styles once but I just couldn't put out that much money for something that a million other designers have that are very similar for a WHOLE lot less. I don't buy grabbags but if I did buy this one, I would be disappointed.
I agree, her stuff is extremely over-priced for what it is. I once purchased a grab bag to see for myself and swore never to give her another dime. The quality is not anything special and I also agree it all looks the same. And yes, you can find the same items elsewhere for less money. Oh and yes! So true about the word art!
oh Pleeeeeeeeeeaazzzzzze!!!
Blog owner, your blog is a joke!
You keep showing flwas that don't even exist. What's your problem? Your designs suck? I bet you are so jalous of all deisgners out there who make tons of money where you don't.
Instead of running this blog, use your time to learn your software properly.
I think her stuff is darling and very good quality in comparison to a lot of the other stuff out there.
I got one of her grab bags and it was a great deal except please read her TOU prior to buying (you can see these at Digiscrapwarehouse) - she does not allow use in Freebies, Collab kits and restricts the % of her work you can use in kits.
If you can work within the above then I think her bags are a great deal. She is much better at the stylized flat design than 'realistic' stuff like styles or binder clips so I would avoid the latter.
oh Pleeeeeeeeeeaazzzzzze!!!
Blog owner, your blog is a joke!
You keep showing flwas that don't even exist. What's your problem? Your designs suck? I bet you are so jalous of all deisgners out there who make tons of money where you don't.
Instead of running this blog, use your time to learn your software properly.
Are you so angry you can't use spell check?
I think the blog owner is finding flaws that DO exist.
Proof is in the puddin' dear.
Another well written review. I would be disappointed if I bought this grab bag.
Are you blind as well as stupid? We know you can't spell; can you not see the flaws? I think perhaps you have an interest in this designer, are you perhaps a CT?
Thanks for another great reveal and critique! I won't be wasting my money today.
Thanks for the heads up about her TOU. I never bought from her because I think her products are overpriced and we have many other designers that do the same stuff with affordable prices.
The thing about the TOU bugs me. CU designers need to try to standardize CU terms of use. Many don't even have them available BEFORE you make a purchase. I get so tired of trying to find and understand all the TOUS!
I would never buy from a CU designer with that many restrictions.
Seriously! (sorry about the off-topic tangent) Especially for the price she charges for her stuff and the fact that it's being sold for commercial for-profit use, you should be able to do just about whatever you like with it, aside from giving the original unaltered product away. Credit should never have to be required, either...for either personal or commercial. That's always been a huge pet peeve of mine and why I stopped posting in galleries. I really don't give a crap what the designer wants, I NEVER give credit. To me, that's an idiotic and requirement and if they want me to advertise them, I should get the product for free. That's what CTs are for.
It's kinda like the stickers that dealers will put on cars they sell. I make sure to have them take them off before I drive off the lot. Why should I give them free advertising when I paid for the damn item in the first place? I wish more people would take this attitude and knock some of these designers down off their pedistals. What are they gonna do if they see you using their product without credit? Make you give the item back? LOL
Who would or could use that word art? My shine? What does that mean? And One in a Thousand...sorry, how about One in a Million?? CU stuff should be designed by the best of the best...not wannabes and sub par designers. I don't design and even I can jazz up a font and save it on a layer...who's going to pay for that kind of stuff?? Puhleeze!
I so agree with the credit issues. I'm a designer and I do not require credit. I HATE having to keep track myself, why would I make others do it? I'm not even sure why they "require" it as I don't think it serves any purpose whatsoever. You want to sell your product? Then advertise it. Simple enough. Don't expect your customers to advertise for you. However, if you make good quality items, they will advertise by word of mouth!
The thing about the TOU bugs me. CU designers need to try to standardize CU terms of use. Many don't even have them available BEFORE you make a purchase. I get so tired of trying to find and understand all the TOUS!
I would never buy from a CU designer with that many restrictions.
I make a point of not buying anything from any designer who expects more than a simple naming in the TOU.
Also the wording of some of the TOU's can be really hard to understand.
In the CU TOU of a very well known designer I found the following two statements:
"you MAY NOT use this product to make items for profit"
Then further down:
"you MAY use this product to make scrap book items to sell"
Which one is it..
If they can't get it right, how the heck is the purchaser supposed to!
I think some designers try to restrict TOU because some idiot will take their hard work, do a quickie recolor job and resell the whole thing.
But then you get a lot of confusion when they try to restrict it and every designer has different rules - one says 25% per kit, one says 6 items, another one doesn't care, another one says no freebies. It gets pretty hard to follow...
I like this idea:
"a simple naming in the TOU.
This would allow anyone who purchased the product to do a search on the persons name and locate their products correct?
"I think some designers try to restrict TOU because some idiot will take their hard work, do a quickie recolor job and resell the whole thing.
I feel like this is necessary to try and prevent the quickie recolor job and resell the whole thing.
But then you get a lot of confusion when they try to restrict it and every designer has different rules - one says 25% per kit, one says 6 items, another one doesn't care, another one says no freebies. It gets pretty hard to follow..."
I agree it makes it very difficult for one to keep up with.
I have never purchased from this particular designer, but have thought about it, and now I am thinking I am glad I have not done so. Thank you for the information.
Especially for the price she charges for her stuff and the fact that it's being sold for commercial for-profit use, you should be able to do just about whatever you like with it, aside from giving the original unaltered product away.
I can't believe how demanding some designers are. You expect quality, focused pictures, flawless extractions, original products, and then, you want to get these for ridiculous prices and be able to do whatever you want to make profit with it????
I'm not Thaty nor I'm in her CT but I'm a CU designer and I can totally understand the need to put these kinds of rules in her TOU. Too many ''designers'' just repack CU products and call it a kit.
If you don't want to buy from her because of her TOU, fine, she probably doesn't want you as a customer anyway because you don't seem to see all the hard work behind her products.
I used to make and sell quilts and other crafts as a part-time thing. Back then, when I would buy a roll of fabric and other supplies, I certainly did expected reasonable prices, I expected quality for the price I paid and I most certainly expected to make and resell whatever I liked with it.
So, yeah, I guess I am demanding.
--and one more last note on that--when I made my crafts, I most certainly wasn't expected to have a laundry list of manufacturer names from the products I used.
I don't like when alpha templates come as separate png files. You then have to apply a style or pattern to each letter. I would much rather apply a style to the whole alpha and then separate. The only time it needs to be separated is when you are selling it as personal use.
I think there is a reason why a lot of designers buy cu products. They realize that either it is too much work to do themselves or it would be expensive to purchase all of those extracted goodies. So when you complain about the price of a cu product that is just wrong. CU designers purchase a lot of items to provide you with something so you can in turn sell it within a kit. The price should be a little higher for cu items.
...not to mention the fact that the cu designer does all the work for you.
I'm not "jalous"... I'm not even JEALOUS.
But I don't think this is truly CU quality stuff... I think of CU stuff as being things you can use over and over again and alter and create MANY kits from... not one kit after another that looks the same.
Thaty, My Shine-- You truly are "One in a Thousand".
Thaty, My Shine-- You truly are "One in a Thousand".
- - - -
ROFLMAO!!! Thanks, I needed that laugh!!
I used to make and sell quilts and other crafts as a part-time thing. Back then, when I would buy a roll of fabric and other supplies, I certainly did expected reasonable prices, I expected quality for the price I paid and I most certainly expected to make and resell whatever I liked with it.
So, yeah, I guess I am demanding.
July 16, 2008 5:02 PM
DUH! This is the most stupid comment ever! Pathetic!
Go back making crafts! LOL!
10:30, you must not have understood what she was trying to say. She's just trying to illustrate that you should expect quality and value regardless of what type of product you are buying, especially if you are making goods for sale. This applies to her quilt example as well as digital products. I hope you don't call people stupid that quickly IRL, because if you do it only makes you look dumb.
DUH! This is the most stupid comment ever! Pathetic!
Go back making crafts! LOL!
Only for someone too stupid to understand what she meant.
DUH! This is the most stupid comment ever! Pathetic!
Go back making crafts! LOL!
I'm assuming you're the same poster that also said:
"I can't believe how demanding some designers are. You expect quality, focused pictures, flawless extractions, original products, and then, you want to get these for ridiculous prices and be able to do whatever you want to make profit with it????"
I didn't say rediculous prices, I said "reasonable" prices. Reasonable being a price that is worth charging for what is being purchased.
Let me understand your logic, then, just to make sure I understand why you think my comment was stupid. I should expect to pay unresonably high prices for mediocre quality, be told what I can and can't do with it, then on top of it all, advertise it?
Alrighty, then. Note taken.
No wonder this "industry" is so Fucked up.
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