In this bag are also other kits and element packs by designer Tracy King with this "Smell the Flowers" kit. It is just rich in color, design and texture! There are textured fabric background papers that come with is kit as well as different styles of flowers and elements. There is a stray pixel at the top of the flower that can easily be erased off, but all in all a clean kit.
Tracy also has a felt element pack jammed full of mats and words and sayings! They are put together so nicely and so neutral to fit in with many different layouts.
AND.....Phoung.....this alphabet is to so cute.....everyone MUST own this alphabet!!! The clustered summer beach theme is just perfect!! My only downfall with the alpha is the letter (A) is sized larger then the rest, therefore making it blurry. Otherwise, AWESOME, MUST HAVE product!!! 

All in all.....this bag is worth EVERY DIME you spend on it.....Tracy King and Phuong you are fine at where you are. Keep up the good work! I truly mean that!! You must already have an extra eye looking over your stuff. Tracey Monette......girl, the talent is there.....the extra eye is missing.....once you get that extra eye.....you will be rocking to girl I promise!!!

Replacements for what I feel you pointed out that needed replacing are going up in the 4shared folder mentioned on my blog.
Tracey Monette
I absolutly adore that alpha, it totally rocks. The kit sure is pretty but not 'my style'.
Quality work! I agree, that alpha is truly wonderful - and I'm not a big "alpha" person! The rest isn't really my thing, but it's all very nice.
I think a "detailed close up view" like in the blog header is fine. If you balance your posts with good and bad quality and it will probably be a moderately monitored blog that will serve a purpose. But if you want to continue with sarcastic commentary, then you should probably remove the statement "unbiased view of the quality" from your blog header. Sarcasm is hardly ever unbiased. Quality is important and 100% images of good and bad is fine. It is probably even a helpful tip for designers to look at their stuff in the same way, 100% with strokes, etc... Unless you thrive on the comments, just post pictures, maybe pictures with arrows. We can then decide ourselves. I's the commentary that is unkind, unprofessional, and offensive if you are really trying to be unbiased and constructive. Constructive should be professional. Professional isn't sarcastic or slamming others.
The beauty of it is that we can all have our own opinion and some of you can even pick sides and become adamant or defensive. Everyone has a choice to visit the blog, participate in the sarcasm, etc...
I don't visit blogs much or post comments, so excuse my ignorance... to NOT be anonymous do you have to have a google/blogger identity? I don't want to sign up for that just to not be anonymous on this one post.
Wow the last comment couldn't have said it better. This post may have been more "professional" but the first post of this blog is completely unprofessional! While CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is wonderful, the way you wrote the other post is more like bashing...instead of putting "Do all buttons have strings tying them on to objects through invisible holes??" .. to be "unbiased" or "constructive" something more to the effect of "Buttons are missing holes" or whatever would be more apropriate! I love how the owner of this blog throws out her credentials but hides behind an anonymous name..... The reason you do that is because you know your comments are completely unprofessional and a lot of people would disassocioate with you because of that. All designers are human and I'm sure there are flaws in your own designs (if you really are a designer)if we had a chance to critique YOU! Next time you critique someone, please write it the same way you would if you were NOT anonymous!
You guys really make me laugh. Why is it important for the blog owner to state who she is? You aren't stating your name, why should she? As far as being unprofessional - Tracy got what she deserved. The fact that she went back to her original post and edited out the snarky comments she made to her CUSTOMERS proves that she knew she messed up with how she was speaking to them. The sarcasm that this blog owner laid on Tracy was simply a response to how she treated those customers. Tracy (and other designers) need to learn that they can't treat customers (or other designers) in this fashion and not expect to responses such as this. Can we move on? I think that this blog can be such a positive influence in this community - let's see where it leads us! I absolutely LOVE that this blog owner is taking the time to show everyone not only what's in the bag, but up close views with commentaries.
Thank you!
Now I am a well known designer, who is also on quite a few well known designers' CTs. I know how to please my customer's and I also know what constructive criticism is. So, Tracy, since you think you are the great designer you are and post the things you post when people question the quality of your work. You come HERE and explain each of these. There are SEVERAL more, trust me. But I picked just a few. I will be waiting to hear from you!!
I'm sorry, Ms. Well Known and Respected Designer, but all this paragraph does is makes it look like you have something personal against Tracy. There was nothing constructive here. This wasn't your hint at sarcasm or even a shot at you trying to funny. It was just plain old snarky and sounds more like you're afraid of Tracy's talent. Several people have said it here and at DST, it's a good thing we don't know who you are because if we've ever bought anything from you in the past, we certainly wouldn't be buying anything in the future.
Please read the post again before you put words in my mouth....I never once said she needs to reveal who she is.....what i said was that her critique is unprofessional and thats why she chooses to be anonymous.....because she KNOWS how unprofessional she is being.....she even pretty much retracted the "sarcasm" in the second post......
Before I say my final comment on this whole episode I must say, "edited out my own snarky comments????" What in the world are you talking about. I chose my comments carefully at that other blog and directed them at one particular anonymous poster whose initial attitute I didn't appreciate and felt her post was not given to be meant in a constructive way at all. It was delivered to hurt. Why does a poster go back in after to see how they have riled things up. My inital thought was she did her post with a not nice attitude and the fact that she went back in simply proved it to me. After that I have been nothing but above board and accepting of my faults in these recent releases. Anyone will initially act defensive when they feel attacked - it's our natural instinct as human beings. After the initial feelings have passed, we show the character of who we are.
And about those buttons - how are you not seeing the holes???? They are right in front of you???? I simply did not squeeze the string tight around the middle as I liked the idea of it kinda bending outward.
So yes - some the criticism was certainly deserved. And I will learn many lessons from it. And I will be an even better designer because of it!!!
Just heard from my store... who really rock at helping deal with things like my sleepwalking kits. They will be emailing everyone who purchased the grab bag when my files had errors in them and sending you new files (no not all 450+ megs), just the particular items I felt needed correction. Some of you may still have differences of "design opinion" but that is your option - we're all different! And included in the grab bag will be a coupon I asked them to put in as my way of offering apology on putting out materials that had mistakes in them.
Tracey Monette
This blog is already crap. You picked a jaggy edge alpha to call beautiful?
Bleh. What a waste of 10 minutes I'll never get back.
I am not too suprised that you have been deleted from DST
v\Hello everyone,it's Tracy King here. I just wanted to stop in and say how very disappointed I am in those of you who decided to let your mean sides show. One of the things I love about the digi-scrapping community is the warmth. I have found most people willing to offer a kind word or lend a hand but this type of negative really hits hard with me. In working with Tracey I have found her to be honest and helpful. She pushes me to be a better designer with her awesome spirit and talk about talented!!!! Wow, she amazes me each and every time she shows me something. Since there were mistakes made, it is good that they were brought to Tracey's attention but I do with it could have been done with a little more tact and kindness. Remember the saying "Treat others as you would like to be treated" when dealing with life, even when dealing with mistakes.
I have NOT been "deleted" from DST, I was just not aware of some of the "rules" there. Here is the PM I received from them regarding the post I had made.
"Just wanted to let you know that your grab bag blog thread has been deleted. It wasn't deleted to protect designers, or to make DST a happy thoughts only kind of place - it was deleted because blog promotion threads are not allowed. The blog train is available for posting about a blog (rules listed in the thread) or DCR members are able to post about their blogs in the digital site and designer announcements section of DST, but individual posts in Chatter are not ok."
Tracy King, I have just one question for you. You stated "In working with Tracey I have found her to be honest and helpful. She pushes me to be a better designer with her awesome spirit and talk about talented!!!! Wow, she amazes me each and every time she shows me something. Since there were mistakes made, it is good that they were brought to Tracey's attention but I do with it could have been done with a little more tact and kindness."
Does she ever ask you to help her? To point out her mistakes? To be honest and helpful? To make her a better designer?
That is the ENTIRE point of this blog! It is NOT to HURT any designer! It is to help them grow!
I am SO SORRY to Tracey Monette to whom I was harsh and overly "sarcastic" to, but, I obviously was offended by your comment that was meant to be a sarcastic comment to "Ms. Anonymous". I hope that you take this also as a lesson, that you can't be sarcastic to ONE "Ms. Anonymous" as it HURTS your reputation! I do hope you see now where I am coming from by doing what I did!
So please see this blog as a learning tool not a slam blog.
I agree that if you ever want to make a CONSTRUCTIVE blog, you should write & comment anything you're criticizing on in a professional tone. Sarcasm sounds more like office politics to me. Try not to put any 'hate' elements in your comments. Neutralize it so everyone (from designers to customers) can see what's good & bad in the bag.
Certain bags might have strays or blurry elements, but point it out in neutral tone, not sarcasm. It makes it looks as if you're downgrading a designer when you do so.
Also, when you think a bag is worth every penny & of good quality, I don't see the need to over-praise it. Perhaps you can jot down what's good and what's bad in a bag in a list form and present it here as a conclusion to a bag. I see that as more professional and put you in the neutral side.
I'm sure you have good intentions starting this blog, I can see that. But be kind to everyone. Put yourself in the 'bashed' designers' shoes. Criticisms can come constructively when it's said neutrally and not in bashing mode. I'm sure designers can accept criticisms more openly & learn from it if you don't make your criticisms sound sarcastic or bashing.
Learning should be in a supportive, constructive environment. Otherwise it's not learning.
Just my 2 cents. Thanks for opening this blog. It's good to know what people think. All in all I think you just need to re-think the way you write your criticisms.
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