Our second bag on Grab Bag Critique is a bag by LBCreations. This is a commercial use grab bag, so it is geared more toward the designers then the scrappers in the industry. I have been asked to add the full product preview along with the 100% preview, so I will be doing that from here on out as well as adding it to the first grab bag.

This final and 10th product included in this bag are very richly textured and the extraction is done well. The only thing I found wrong was this miniscule shadow that was overlooked by the designer when she extracted. But I thought I would point it out! For $5 it is a definate steal!
I have to say that these look really nice. Nice rounded corners obviously illustrator, nice job. Not really my cup o'tea, but I will be watching.
Rounded corners? Are you blind? The journal things in particular (going by the 100% sample) VERY 'lumpy', not smooth lines at all. The bow is a stock photo, from a site that doesn't allow redist in the licence. I like Babs, but I don't like her CU bags. She's a very good self-marketer though, and puts out a lot of stuff. I guess she needs to cut corners to keep the release rate up.
I think those overlays and mats are too dark and the shapes and alpha templates are ready made tools made by others. She should create her own products not just purchase stuff to put them together and sell them as her own.
Her brushes and bows are stock photos and fonts! so, of course they are going to be good quality, DUH! I bet if she make something from scratch, it won't be good.
She is not a designer, she is just someone selling other people's work.
You people are totally stupid. All designers use stock, fonts, etc. Designers BUY licenses for these things. Why don't all of you buy all the licenses and shut the hell up. Nothing said here is constructive or helpful. She's not the only person using these items - go to ANY store and go thru the cu products. Everything there can be found elsewhere. Please, please give it a rest. It's clear some of you are just either jealous of her success or just have some sort of grudge. It's really sick.
OH, and I've been buying her stuff for months and will continue to do so. She provides me with exactly what I want - good quality, affordable prices, and items that I can work with and make my own. I'm paying for the convenience of not having to track down and pay for all the licenses involved. Also, having those alpha templates so makes my life that much easier. I get the blank canvas all ready for me to apply what ever look I'm going for.
And one more thing. I understand that she designs full time. So of course she's going to have a lot of releases. It's not a hobby or part time for her.
Hi Babs :)
I don't get it. Kats' fonts are not to be used commercially so if this artist pays a commercial fee to use this font so someone else can use it commercially, doesn't that go against the original TOU?
I'm not trying to be bitchy here, just asking a question.
oops. my bad. I guess it isn't Kat's fonts, but belongs to someone named Lisa.
My question is this. If you don't like it, then why go to the effort & energy of bashing? Just don't buy.
I think her stuff is really cool and I use it often.
As for using other stuff to make her stuff...doesn't everyone do that? I see it all the time with the big name designers and no one mentions anything.
The bow is indeed taken from a stock photo site and commercial redistribution is not allowed. If I'd consider to buy this CU item, I'd like to be 150% sure that the seller could show me the redistribution approval from the copyright holder! If that approval is not there, it's called piracy, which is something digital designers aren't keen on, are they?
Why don't those of you who question whether or not she has permission to use this bow (if it's the same bow) just email the designer and ask?
Anonymous said...
Why don't those of you who question whether or not she has permission to use this bow (if it's the same bow) just email the designer and ask?
July 4, 2008 9:54 PM
I did so and she never answered my email. Doesn't it ring a bell?
2:19 PM
You are the stupid one here. There is NO way she (and all the designers who do the same) paid a license because they are at least $75 each. Even with a license, you can't redistribute the original file, which she does. The extended licenses are usually for websites templates or similar.
E4: Electronic items for resale - Unlimited run
By obtaining this license You may use the Image in website templates, document templates, wallpapers, screensavers, e-cards or similar products with no limitations regarding the number of copies. All other restrictions from the “Prohibited Uses” section still apply.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The bow is indeed taken from a stock photo site and commercial redistribution is not allowed. If I'd consider to buy this CU item, I'd like to be 150% sure that the seller could show me the redistribution approval from the copyright holder! If that approval is not there, it's called piracy, which is something digital designers aren't keen on, are they?
July 4, 2008 6:34 PM
Debra, seriously just design and stop worrying about others
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