The actions are labeled according to what the "final" result is going to be, but what I call something and what you call something may be two different things. So, the tag action stops, asks for a box color, text color and a line color. In not knowing the "end result" several things that should have been done such as centering the text on the tag was not done. All of the following previews are shown after only running one time, they may get better with running them, now knowing what the "final result" is, but I wanted the public to see what you would see right out of the box so to speak.
I have went and got the previews that Monica has made for us with the actions that are now included in the grab bag that is now being sold. These are examples of the actions made with just colors and not papers with the exception of the round box. You are able to customize the texture with the background papers you choose to use with the action.

Oh dear, this is not what I expect from Monica Larsen. I know her actions don't produce things that are as realistic as say, Clohie Watkins actions, but these are dreadful. Thanks for saving me from buying this, I have two or three of Monica's previous bags and would have bought this without a second thought. What a disappointment it would have been! She certainly seems to have dropped the baton with this one. Shame.
Monika has some great actions but I must say her bags are what I call the crap that didn't make it...
I don`t like the fact there are no previews either, and as far as lining up etc she has more actions than that that do not line up ....
Either way a shame as she is a big designer with many actions but you must be careful when selecting, I think the bag also very over priced as those actions are not what I call A+
"I don`t like the fact there are no previews either, and as far as lining up etc she has more actions than that that do not line up ....
she is a big designer with many actions but you must be careful when selecting"
Monica does have some nice actions; however one must definitely be careful when selecting what actions to purchase.
Some of her previews are misleading as well.
Thank you for the reveal and review of this bag.
I bought that bag and seem to have another version???
My version contains:
- tag (same)
- wavy ribbon (same)
- tiny wrapper (same)
- Bow with pearls - which has CLEAR edges in my version!
- NO ribbon sun here
- NO paper friends here
INSTEAD of these I have:
- a round box
- apple blossom
I'd prefer previews, too and a texture for the ribbon and bow would be nice, but all in all I'm satisfied.
What I'm sure about is (I'm only a customer also and not a friend or ct):
tell her about the jagged edges in an friendly email and she will work it out and send you an update, let her know you prefer previews and next bag comes with ;)
Holy Smokes! I hope this a joke! These do NOT look like Monicas actions. Maybe she was sleeping while she was uploading. You like instead of sleep walking sleep-uploading.
This is NOT the final product Monica released.
I bought this the day it was released and she mailed a day later to say she'd released this version by mistake...and sent a different version.
The action quality in the second bag is much better imo.
I sure HOPE this is a mistake. Those all look beyond terrible! And I'd be defnitely wanting my money back for all of is is completely unuseable!
It seems like she is in too much of a hurry to crank 'em out these days, and the results have suffered. :(
Just a note on the lack of texture--I like that she doesn't include texture because most of her actions are designed to be run on existing papers or ribbons. When I run her bow actions, I usually use a textured/patterned paper that I've already made so adding texture would ruin the final result, IMO.
Most of her stuff that I've bought is pretty decent but I agree that lately it seems as if she's just been pumping them out with dollar signs in her eyes.
I just bought this bag today and I wish I would've read this first. Mine also did not include the sun or friends, instead had the blossom and round box. The blossom looks just like a blossom from her that I already have.
I was very disappointed in this one from her.
Not surprised in the least. I've encountered stray pixels in a lot of Monica Larsen's actions. This is unacceptable from someone with her expertise level.
Again, I'm thinking these designers are just cranking out crapola for the sake of their sales.
They get away with it because they don't have to offer refunds for any digital downloads.
I have no words, this is horrible. I'd be embarrassed to put out a product like this. I wouldn't use any of these actions if they were given out for free! The quality doesn't surprise me though, I've stopped buying her actions long time ago. There are way better actions out there.
"July 17, 2008 2:52 PM - released this version by mistake...and sent a different version."
what? by mistake? how does that happen? LOL that's funny!
what? by mistake? how does that happen? LOL that's funny!
I dunno, all I know is she sent me the correct version before this critique was done.
I also received the version that others have mentioned; with the box and blossom. I didn't get previews and one action was hard to run because the instructions weren't clear - the other actions had clear directions and I was able to run the first action I tried after running the others and figuring it all out.
I'm so disappointed with Monica's stuff. The last ribbon action I purchased had many issues, like jagged edges and unrealistic look.
I gave up and I'll not purchase her actions anymore.
I bought an action from her and was not satisfied at all. It was called string thing or something like that. Her preview for it was soooo misleading. It looked horrible once you use it yourself. I haven't used it once
"Her preview for it was soooo misleading."
Her preveiws are misleading on many of her actions. Her "Crystal Bead Action" is just one example of a misleading preview. I was extremely disappointed with the end results of this action.
I have a few of Monica's other actions & have to say I'm not impressed overall. While some of her stuff is really awesome, there's so much else that is sub-par. Like jagged edges on the finished product on many of her twisted/folded ribbon actions.
First of all I have to say that I think the GrabBagCritiqueBlog has a potential of being a helpful resource for both designers and scrappers, and it is great to see the “critiquer” doing such a hard job going through the items in the bags.
However, I have to say that I am a little disappointed to discover that the blog owner takes part in illegal file sharing, cause she has NOT purchased this bag, nor has she gotten it from me, and no matter what her purpose is, that is in clear violation of my TOU.
That being said, I would be happy to send her a copy of the right bag – not the one that she has obtained illegally.
About the actions in this bag, and most of my other ribbon actions and bow actions, you are quite right – there are no texture added. This is so that the designer will be able to use their own ribbons – and if textured had been added it would have messed up the original ribbon. And I do not mean to be rude or anything, but I sort of expect from designers who sell digital scrapbook supplies, that they are able to do more with their PS than to add color and press play. But of course – if you want texture – please write me and I will make you an updated and textured version of any action.
When I started making Action Grab Bags, there weren’t many out there – if any, and the customer who asked me to start making bags said that it was so exiting to press play without knowing what the result would be – and this has been the way all my bags have been made. If a customer wants previews, I have so far always sent it to her/him. So please, write me, about previews, textures, or uneven edges.
And last, but not least. I make my actions in PS 7.0. And I know that there are many great features in PS CS2 and CS3 that would make the results look more realistic. But that would mean that a lot of people will not be able to use the actions, I would find that sad. But if you want realistic looking items, grab your camera – I am sure you are able to extract something
For those of you who wants previews of the actual items in this bag – please see this image:
Have a great weekend.
Very interesting. If the blog owner is anonymous, why would you come and accuse her of file sharing? How do you know she has not purchased this product.
I'm sure this is not the first time you have heard that people want a preview of your actions (based on the fact that you provide them if they are asked for). Why on earth would you take the advice of one eccentric customer who doesn't care what she's buying and wants a big surprise? For goodness sake, provide a preview and let people know what they can expect from your actions!
I do not think you - Monica - have addressed all the quality issues stated on the critique. Jaggies, stray pixels and poorly planned bevels and shadows are the things that will keep people from purchasing your actions.
However, I have to say that I am a little disappointed to discover that the blog owner takes part in illegal file sharing, cause she has NOT purchased this bag, nor has she gotten it from me
Also don't understand how you would know she didn't purchase it, other than some people say they have received a different bag.
I thought it was a good critique. I would want a preview of what this action can do as well.
Don't change the subject, Monica, please address the quality issues!
OMG – you ladies are too funny. Didn’t you get the part that the bag that the lady has shown, is not the right one? And that only a very few people downloaded this, and all of those people got the updated version – except one ;-)
And the critique is actually a customer in one of my stores, so I know it is not her, but if I’m wrong, please let me know your order number or paypal ID, and I will publicly apologize. That she has purchased the bag now does not change the fact that the first one was obtained illegally.
About the critique itself, I have taken many points into consideration – I will from now on include a preview, (and no, not that many have asked for it, maybe two or three) but to please all you unsatisfied customers, I will of course start doing that. And jagged edges on the bow are removed –and a new version is already in the store – as it was even before this critique was made.
Like I said in my previous post – I make all my actions in PS 7.0, and it does not have all the great features that the CS and higher have. It is therefore a bit hard to make it 100 % realistic looking, but I am doing my best.
If you have any actions of mine that contains jagged edges, stray pixels or other flaws, please e-mail me, and I will of course either fix the problem, or refund the money – the same way I do with all the customers who have the courage to put their name behind their words.
Monica, I purchase things under three different names, and only recently made the anon name that I purchased the one item out of the CU store with. I have been a designer for several years and have been a customer at your store since it opened. I have purchased from your store using mainly two names. One, my designer name. One, my real name. And now, the critique name. It would be about impossible for anyone to really find out what I really purchased and where. Sorry, but I did purchase your bag, within a couple hours of release, and not using the critique account.
Well then send me a mail showing me the order number and I will publicly apologize.
If not I will report this site for being part of distributing my items illegaly.
Monica, she obviously bought your bag considering her post is now edited with the updated bag so she DID get the email.
And, to me it seems as if you're just trying to get her to tell you so you can find out who she is as if she's 5 years old and would fall for that.
You're still avoiding many points people have made here. What about how your previews are so misleading and look nothing like the result of your actions? I bought your string thing action and I must say, IT'S HORRIBLE. Everything is outlined in dark black and nothing looks realistic. You made your preview using the only colors on it that remotely look good. So what's your excuse for this?
You know, everyone here complaining about Monica's actions need to take a step back and see what she actually does when creating them (which are, by the way, designed for commercial use as a designer resource--so get off your pedistals). I am in the process of trying how to create bows from scratch and I'll tell you what, it ain't easy. I'm at the point now, after several months of trial and error, that I wouldn't even give the end results away of what I've made. I think she is highly talented in Photoshop and those of you thinking her actions are so poor, I would like to see you make one even half as good as hers. The original bag here has been determined to be an error and if you look at the items from the second bag shown, they are very well made actions. It's digital folks...as Monica stated, if you want life-like realism, grab your self a camera and start extracting.
I'm going to put on my big girl panties and speak from the heart here.
Personally I love Monica's Actions. She makes them good quality (imo) but she also leaves them unfinished enough for me to be able to use my skills to personalise them.
Her actions are easy to understand when you run them, and she provides great customer service if you have any problems.
I'm learning to make actions myself, and they're DARN hard. Lots of the tools we take for granted in our designing aren't recorded by them, which forces you to try something else which you may not be as good at.
Designers like Monica are an inspiration for me and I hope they never stop.
Monica, she obviously bought your bag considering her post is now edited with the updated bag so she DID get the email.
Well, you see - I have my reasons as to why I know she is lying.
And I would never, ever reveal the name of a customer - no matter who he/she is or what he/she has done or not.
But I agree - that is not the point here - the actions are. And about the string thing - what can I say other then what I have said before - if you are not happy about the product you have purchased, drop me a mail and I'll give you a full refund.
Monica, I would like to first off let you know that I own every one of your grab bags. I am not a pirate. I have never shared any of your grab bags with anyone. I do believe if you can piece together who I am from that information, you can know who I am, otherwise, I am sorry, I will not allow you do know who I am. You are not the first designer to try scare tactics to find out who I am and I am sure you won't be the last. I just know that I own all seven of your grab bags, bought and paid for out of my own paypal accounts.
Wow. To come and accuse someone of both piracy and lying is pretty ballsy. I think that if I was ("WAS" being the key word here) a customer who had purchased all of Monica's grab bags up until now, that I would surely be finished buying them from her now. I wouldn't appreciate being called a pirate and a liar, if I had been a good customer. Just wow.
I wasn't a bit happy with the string action either, BTW, (I think it's the first action I ever threw out) but wouldn't think of asking for a refund on a "grab-bag" so I can be told that "that is a risk you take with grab-bags"
I'm really surprised about how defensive designers are. It's kind of a revelation to me.
I'm really surprised about how defensive designers are. It's kind of a revelation to me.
really? I'm seeing the same poor attitudes over and over. It's very disheartening.
Sometimes it's like watching a bunch of kids on the playground. Only worse.
Since when is critiquing a product in any way associated with piracy?
Geez lady. Get over yourself. If I buy something and a friend of mine sees it and then makes a comment on it to other people, is she a pirate because she is commenting on something she didn't buy?
I would think you would be apologizing to the world for the crap that was in that bag. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to sell such poor quality product. You know better.
This blog is a good thing. No one is calling names - just showing the facts. I guess if a designer doesn't want to find themselves in a hot seat, they should take a bit more time with quality control.
I'm really surprised about how defensive designers are. It's kind of a revelation to me.
July 19, 2008 8:18 PM
I think this defensiveness is a by-product of the piracy hunts over at DST. It whipped everyone into a fury and unnecessarily so. I am a designer and I just never bought into the fear.
I wouldn't dream of acting like Monica did on this board. Lady, the bottom line is that your product was sub par and uh oh, you've been called out on it. Either refund everyone's money that received the mess or gracefully make amends behind the scenes.
Also, I think YOU owe this blog owner a public apology for slandering her and calling her a thief. What proof do you have to have made such public allegations?
I have admired your work in the past, but I sure as heck won't be buying from you again.
Oh puleeeze! I can just hear Monica's piracy report....
"This blog owner has my products and did not buy them, so I want to report them for illegal file sharing"...
"No I do not know who they are, they are anonymous"...
"I just know they did not buy them, even though I do not know who they are"...
"Look, they showed the world that my products suck, so we must shut them down...it doesn't matter that I have no proof they stole my crappy products because I don't know who they are."
And by the way...just how stupid do you think the blog owner is, that she should worry about your litle threat and send you her receipts. Nice try on outing an anonymous blogger!
Monica, I have purchased a few personal-use items from you in the past, which were not bad, but after your poor showing here (specifically your own comments) I will no longer buy from you.
I really do like Monica and I'm sad to see how she's represented herself in this whole mess. But I must say that I am sick and tired of the Prima Donna attitudes that so many designers have! I've had it with their stupid tantrums. What is up with these people? Do they really think we owe them something? They want us to spend our money without having a close look at the quality of their work, then they want us to act as their quality control and e-mail them if there's something wrong. Apparently Monica even wants us to work to get our own previews?!? Hello! Isn't running a business supposed to be all about customer satisfaction? I am not very satisfied with lots of the crap I see going on with designers. Just a warning, you had all better watch yourselves, because I know a lot of consumers are not going to buy from ill-behaved designers any more. There are plenty of other choices out there.
Ya know...all this makes me feel really bad. As a designer, although not nearly on YOUR level, I know that its very easy to take criticism very personally. This has got to be hurting you and I hate that. You really do NOT deserve it.
So the wrong file got uploaded. You did whatever you could to make it right. You answered the critics with the only thing you could say -if you have a problem contact me and I'll make it right. But sometimes even when you do the right thing, it's not enough for some people.
I have purchased many, many of your actions and products. Some I haven't used, but many are EXQUISITE and I am in awe of your expertise and grateful for your generous TOU's.
Will I quit buying your products because of one "oopsie", or that you challenge that someone actually bought the kit (although I believe she did). Heavens no! That would be just plain silly.
I quit buying grab bags quite some time ago. ROFL You can't believe some of the stuff I downloaded! I would rather save for ONE good item from a designer I admire than have a hard drive full of crap. If I buy one of yours, and I'm disappointed, I know you'll work with me to our mutual satisfaction. Can't ask for more than that, can I?
I hope you can write this one up to one of those "life experiences" and continue on. You have an amazing talent and the digi-scrapping world is richer for you being here.
No - you have it wrong. It is not because she made a "mistake" and uploaded crappy versions of her product (which in itself is so ludicrous) - no, its that she acted so badly - in front of customers and designers on this board. THAT is why I no longer wish to give her my business.
You know, your hand holding enabler post does not nothing toward the out of control behavior by designers when they are critique'd. Instead of acting like professionals, they often come here and make arsses of themselves - mostly because of ego and pride.
Lose it. It's business. Don't risk your reputation by selling crap - and if by chance crap slips through, sure as heck do not come here and attack. Come here and rectify. That's easy peasey.
So, let's not start a poor Monica Larsen ramble. She isn't a victim . The blog simply showed her product for what it was.
If it had never been released, it couldn't have been shown here, right?
This world needs more personal accountability. It was part of ethics 101 when I was growing up. If you mess up, you stand up. Take the consequences, learn from them and move forward.
I think Monica should have just apologized to all those who received it privately and offered them a future discount to her store. Then approached this blog with the professionalism necessary to run a business - explained what happened and moved on.
I think this blog has great potential as a good way for designers to get feedback but the heavy drawback is that every single designer featured here is going to bring out the nasty side of some folks who will never be satsified no matter what they get. Most of the people who come to these blogs are bitter and jealous to begin with and these sites are only serving as fuel for them. It would be nice if everyone lived by the whole "if you can't say anything nice..." rule but that will never be.
9:38 you are right, but designers don't have to take the bait. A designer can come here and say 'Thank you for taking the time to voice your opinions. I'm taking every comment into consideration and making the changes that I feel are necessary to please my customers'. When they start making excuses and hurling accusations, they only make themselves look bad.
9:38, you've come to the wrong place for sunshine and flowers...you need to go to DST for that. Here, we tell it like it is.
I wouldn't have had a problem with it if it had been the right product that was critiqued.
And believe me, I do take every word into consideration, and again, I do offer a full refund to everyone who feel that what they paid for is not of the quality expected.
But I can not refund anything to anonymous people, and I haven't gotten ONE mail after this critique came out, from people wanting their money back.
So what am I supposed to do? Refund everyone - even those who are very happy with what they got? Just because a few anon people say so?
Monica, I don't agree that you should refund anyone who has not complained.
But I don't think that was the original point of the blog owner...just something one poster said.
I do think people get a little overly dramatic on this blog, on both sides of the issue.
The blog owner is just trying to illustrate issues she has so that people can make up their own minds as to whether to buy the products or not.
So what am I supposed to do? Refund everyone - even those who are very happy with what they got? Just because a few anon people say so?
I don't want a refund..I'd tell you privately if I did.
I've bought just about everything of yours including the grab bags..however, I will say I expect a lot more from your individual products than I do of your grab bags. If I'm paying $5 bucks for a single item I expect to buy something I can actually use.
I don't expect to pay $5 for 5 items and get the same quality..
I am someone who also likes the surprise that a grab bag provides...buying a surprise knowing what you're getting already..funnily enough spoils the surprise.
Once again a designer running a business doesn't seem to know how to handle a situation brought on by her own carelessness.
Geez girl. You let sub-prime product out of your hands. You are miffed because it made its way to mainstream. Now you are standing there with your hands in a twist asking an anon blog what you should do?
I think you just pull up your big girl pants and figure it out. It's your business. It's your name. Hire a quality control person to go over product before you release it. Stop rushing product to the market. Filter your tone before posting.
You pick.
If these are grab bags, and I don't think I need to explain that they are meant to be unknown in content, WHY WOULD YOU REVEAL THE CONTENTS WITHOUT THE DESIGNER GIVING YOU an ok to do so? Please, explain that to me. I am not trying to be argumentative but honestly just asking why? Maybe I'm wrong and the designers are ok with it. I just don't see why it is anyone's right to reveal something that is not meant to be revealed. Does that make sense?
Also just curious about something else. If the blog owner truly feels that this is good for the designers and community why wouldn't you stand behind it all with your name? I mean if you think you are doing the designers and community and service (and not saying you aren't) and believe in what you are doing why not stand behind it and take some credit for it?
Here's my personal opinion and not everyone will agree with it and that's ok. You can do what you want but wouldn't critiquing be something you do privately or in a forum or environment that is meant just for that? Personally, I think the idea behind this critiquing is good in thought but becomes very questionable in my mind and makes me want to understand your reasoning when doing it this particular way - anonymously and in public in a sort of humiliating way to the designers, especially if they have not asked to be critiqued or revealed. I understand the harshest comments come from the anon posters, but still.
Seriously, I'm just asking. I don't want to argue and don't want to judge anyone but maybe if I understood these things better I could support the idea and blog.
First of all I want to thank the Critique, for doing the right thing by removing the previews of the actions that she had gotten in a questionable manner. I have never called what was done for piracy - some of you anons used that word. But I stand by what I said that the original actions were given to her illegally, and I thank her for admitting that, and for removing the previews.
And I still thank her for taking so much time in critiquing the bags, even though I have to say, I have been wondering the same as the anon poster above - why would you reveal something that is supposed to be a secret?
About the critique itself - I still stand by what I have said before - any stray pixels, jagged ends or other flaws in ANY of my actions, and of course unacceptable. SO PLEASE - if you have any of my actions that you are not satisfied with, please write me and make me make up for it, either by fixing the product, or by refunding you the money.
So far, I still have heard nothing - from nobody.
But again, thanks miss Critique, for the review, and for doing the right thing.
So if someone buys a grabbag in a store - are they forbidden to open it up in public? Oh, somebody might see what is in it! Noooooooo! Grabbag status is just a marketing technique, not a state secret.
Newspapers critique real life stores and products and "deals" every single day. What makes the digi community immune to criticism? Do they think they are "above" real life? Come ON, people.
No of course it is not forbidden, I just think that it ruins the whole aspect of the grab bag. Why pretend it is a secret, when someone reveals it right away?
No of course it is not forbidden, I just think that it ruins the whole aspect of the grab bag. Why pretend it is a secret, when someone reveals it right away?
Reveals are similar to spoilers IMO. Just stay away from such reveal blogs if you want your surprise, simple as that ;)
First of all I want to thank the Critique, for doing the right thing by removing the previews of the actions that she had gotten in a questionable manner. I have never called what was done for piracy - some of you anons used that word. But I stand by what I said that the original actions were given to her illegally, and I thank her for admitting that, and for removing the previews.
Where did she say that she admitted she obtained the actions illegally? I'm seeing a post from her that states she has bought all of your actions? Was this a private email where she admitted she obtained them illegally?
I have to say that I am a little disappointed to discover that the blog owner takes part in illegal file sharing, cause she has NOT purchased this bag, nor has she gotten it from me, and no matter what her purpose is, that is in clear violation of my TOU.
Designers are the ones who lump "illegal file sharing" and "Piracy" in the same sentence. So are you saying now that file sharing is not piracy?
I don't get it. I have to be honest. If I had purchased this bag, I would not have emailed you asking for a refund. I would just never purchase from you again. Wouldn't you rather hear constructively what is wrong with your items? Or would you rather people delete the items and never purchase from you again?
It's all about attitude. I'm not just directing this comment to you, but to other designers as well. If you come on these blogs and act badly (like some of the customers do, unfortunately) you will lose business.
And for the commenter who said, "If you can't say anything nice..." Sometimes the truth hurts. I'm not justifying the name calling and the mean comments, but I am justifying comments such as, "I don't like the fact there are no previews."
Was this a private email where she admitted she obtained them illegally?
Yes it was.
So are you saying now that file sharing is not piracy?
I am saying that it is not piracy, as she was not planning on using the items, but the way she obtained the items what not according to my TOU.
I don't get it. I have to be honest. If I had purchased this bag, I would not have emailed you asking for a refund. I would just never purchase from you again. Wouldn't you rather hear constructively what is wrong with your items? Or would you rather people delete the items and never purchase from you again?
Well - I have to admit, I don't get this. If you don't write me and ask for a refund, but just stop purchasing my products, how am I supposed to know what is wrong? I would much rather have you write me, let me know what is wrong, and ask your money back, than not knowing about it at all.
I'm not justifying the name calling and the mean comments, but I am justifying comments such as, "I don't like the fact there are no previews."
Well - than we are on the same page - cause I totally agree with you. That is something I can relate to, and therefore I am including previews in all my future grab bags.
It's all about attitude. I'm not just directing this comment to you, but to other designers as well. If you come on these blogs and act badly
What did I do or say that was so bad?
The most important thing for me is my customers, and my customers know this. I have worked very hard for several years to make sure that the customers always know that they can write me - about anything. Even critiques like this one. That's ok. I would much rather have them tell me about it, than to be unhappy about my items.
i must say this blog shocks me. it´s disgusting how a designer like monica larsen which is in my eyes one of the best the scrapbooking community has is threatened here!
you say that because you are anonymous? would you say it with your name behind you? why is the owner of this blog anonymous? what is the reason for that? we have an institution in our country which tests the quality of products and they also don´t do anonymous. also if you have issues with the product - why anonymous? why don´t you stand behind your words?
i think what you critique here is rediculous. if you are such a quality fanatique - do it yourself! if you are half as good as monica you don´t waiste your time writing nasty posts here but making actions to sell them. i´m a customer of monica and i have purchaised MANY of her products and i´m really happy with them. as a designer i can say that such a personal comment you leave here goes to heart. if it´s business - why do you expect all the time to get something for free from us? why do you grab all the freebies???? if it´s business BUY it!
i would LOVE to add my name here but honestly i´m afraid that the next thing you all do is coming to my blog and store and whatever to do the same with my products i put much love in. if something is bad one needs to talk about, one needs to tell the designer and she can fix it - but not anonymoously.
and yes, you owe the designer something as long as you want all the products we put tons of our freetime in for 1 or 2 dollars if not for free!!! if you want high quality and see this as a business then PLEASE pay for high quality and don´t just run after freebies and bargains! critique is constructive and not nasty, btw.
Thanks for visiting, Barb.
Dang you beat me to that comment.
--- ---
Thanks for visiting, Barb.
July 28, 2008 11:57 AM
oh my, I'm so sad to read this Monica.
don't let these girls let you down, they are just jealous. you are one of the best designers in the whole digiworld, and you have so many fans.
keep up the good work, sweetie
many hugs your way
from one of your biggest fan
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